Comment by Maryann Gibson 44 seconds ago
Delete Comment Who has used or is using an electronic collar? I am going to "Beyond the Leash in La Canada, southern CA for dog training. I was particularily interested in this trainer because of his use of electronic collars. It has been a great training tool for Roo and I. He is my high energy, extremely social dog, and really has been great to reinforce that when I say "Roo" in my training (mom) voice he should listen. Tigger is only 5 months and is just using a pinch or "fur saver" collar.
We use an e-collar, but have been under the close supervision of a trainer. I believe there are many tools out there that get mis-used and can be extremely dangerous. We love our dog and would never do anything to hurt him. In our case, we needed the extra reinforcement in training. I would never encourage anyone to use an e-collar or any other training device without professional consultation. There are so many different training methods. It's so important to find the right method that you feel comfortable with and that is right for your dog.
That is how I ended up at "Beyond the Leash" with Scott. I was not comfortable with trying it "on my own". For Roo it has been really a help, just as it was with Natalie's dog.
I reinforce her comment to not try an electronic collar without ongoing competent training. It is not punishment, but more of a reminder to pay attention. Knowing when, how and at what strength to use it is the only way to get the results you are seeking and neither hurt the dog or get just the opposite result from what you want.
I am glad to hear that someone else has been successful with an e-collar too.
I trained my puppy with an e-collar. It has been great. I zapped myself with it on low (the same as it was for Fergie). It's not all that bad. Also i think most of them have a bell or something you can use without zappying them. After a few light zaps all i ever need is that bell. I strongly recomment an e-collar for anyone who has trouble getting their dogs to listen. The neighbors around me just marvel at how well Fergie is doing at only 7 months. I already hardly ever even have the collar on her.
My Husband has also tried the e-collar on himself up to it's highest, It did get his attention but no harm was done to him (none that wasn't aready there to begin with)!
Three of my five dogs are trained to e-collars. It has probably saved my Russell's life a few times. We were very careful to follow instructions and make sure the dogs' understood COME and No before using it, The instructions are very careful to explain that this is not a substitute for poor training but rather a tool used in confining or training off lead.
My dogs have the luxury of having miles of nature trails across the street and it allows them the freedom to chase a few rabbits and play at leisure while I still have control in the event we meet other dogs or they get on the scent of one creature or another. Tone is usually enough once the dog learns a zap comes shortly after that.
As with any training TOOL consistency is important and understanding of that tool. Carefully read instructions and stick to them, and of course educate the dog to basic commands BEFORE using it. Like I said, it has probably saved the life of at least one of my dogs.