Emma seems to have two periods in the day where she becomes "Cujo-like." She wants to bite me and as much as I spray her, put her on her back, put her in the crate, etc., etc., she doesn't seem to "get it" that it's not okay. Is it because she's still too young to understand? She is only 9 weeks, after all, so maybe I'm expecting too much of her. What do you all do when your pup acts up? Most of the time she's an absolute love, but during these periods it's very challenging! One of these times is right now (9:30 pm) and she's running around like a crazy - she'll crash very soon, I know, but I'd welcome any suggestions.
Keightley has his crazy time in the evening as well. I try to take him out for a walk in the evening to minimize it. I go back to work in a few weeks and I just dread how much energy he will have when we get home in the afternoon.
I'm going to find that Chase It toy! I've never heard of it before now.
I just had to put my two cents in because everyone's entry made me laugh so much! We call this behavior "the children's hour" because it is so much like our children were before dinner and before bed. I, too, thought somehow I had created "Cujo" with Roo until I remembered he may be a doodle, but he is also just a puppy dog. Unfortunately I had my foot in a cast for months 7 and 8 of Roo's puppyhood which added to his energy -level even though my husband arose at o-dark thirty to get in a half hour walk before he left for work while I was out of commission. Getting the second puppy when Roo was 9 months was an unplanned stroke of genius. Now they mostly just wear each other out. Starting formal training with a really good trainer has helped too. I have to confess though that I spent about three hours tonight cleaning up printer cartridge ink from EVERYTHING in the house. Just before dinner and after a 2 hour game of pool fetch, while I was trying to answer eamil with the pups occupied happily at my feet with a toy, Roo hopped up, grabbed a printer cartridge and Tigger ( the littler one) gave chase with me trying to remain calm and assertive "Roo drop" as they tore threw the house spraying printer ink as they went. Needless to say the printer cartridges have a new home. But everyone's similar experiences made me feel better. Puppies are a blast!