Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello Everyone-

Yesterday my husband and I met our doodle puppy for the first time!  His name is Hugo.  He is 6 weeks right now and weighs 5 lbs, 10 oz.  He will come home with us on 3/15.  The breeder thinks he will be 45 pounds when mature.  We fell in love with this little guy immediately.  He is perfect for us - snuggly, sweet, playful, and mischievous.  We have 3 kids ages 12, 16, 18.  My question/concern is in regards to allergies.  We chose a multigenerational Australian Labradoodle first because we heard they were good dogs for people with dog allergies.  My husband is allergic to most dogs, although he has been doing well when he spends time with most dogs considered "hypoallergenic".  Before searching for an ALD my husband spent some time with a friend's 3 year old ALD.  They got along great and my husband had virtually no reaction to the dog.  After 90 minutes playing on the floor with him he had nothing but a slight tickle in his nose by the end.  His usual reaction to dogs would be hives, wheezing, congestion, etc.  So we searched for a breeder of this breed and found our puppy.  However during our 6 wk meet & greet visit yesterday my husband became fairly allergenic - a few non-itchy hives on his neck, some congestion, scratchy throat - not as extreme as he has had with other "allergenic" dogs though.  However, we were in the breeders home where the dogs are bred and their were 8 puppies from the litter plus 2 adult doodles and we were also in the room where the breeder grooms all of her dogs.  Our little doodle was completely non-shedding and has a beautiful glossy curly/wavy coat (we met his mom and she is a very curly ALD, the dad is more of a fleecy ALD).  I am wondering if people would be willing to share their experiences with their ALD pups/dogs and their own allergies or allergies of a family member.  Did anyone else experience a similar reaction at the breeders and if so what was their experience once home with their doodle?  Honestly, I am nervous since I don't want my husband to have to live uncomfortably in his own house. As I mentioned earlier we both immediately fell in love with our sweet little Hugo and my husband is insistent on making it work.  We also heard that some people with allergies have a break-in period of a week or 2 where their immune systems take a bit of time to adapt to their doodle?  I have heard of so many dog allergic people who have had success incorporating doodles into their families.  Please let me know your thoughts.  Thanks in advance and so this was so long-winded!!!

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I have allergies to dogs too and when we first brought Chachi ( who is an ALD, multigenerational ) home, I did suffer from mild itchy eyes, stuffy nose and mild wheezing. It went away after about a month or so.

Ahhh!  Thank you - that is very reassuring!  I'm just wondering, did you have to make any adjustments?  Is your doodle able to sleep in your room or are you in better shape with him/her sleeping separately?  Are you taking any allergy meds or did all of your symptoms just go away?  Are you able to do the brushing or do you have a different family member do that?  Thanks for your help!

I didn't have to make any adjustments. He does not sleep with me but not because of allergies. I do not and did not take any allergy medication, except for my inhaler at first. My symptoms just went away. I do all his brushing with no issues. I was worried at first and denied any symptoms to my husband because I didn't want to him to tell me we had to give him back. I guess my body just had to adjust. I have no symptoms at all ever now.

That is wonderful!  I'm so glad everything worked out for you!

My advice would be NOT to get this dog. I would hate for you to have to re=home it. My kids are allergic to cats.  Being around cats does not desensitize them, it just makes them miserable.  I am allergic to gardenias.  I can't be in a room with anything containing the scent.  The only thing I can do to alleviate the symptoms is leave. My reactions get better within a few minutes of stopping contact, but they do not go away as long as I am around the scent, they just get worse.   If you are looking for a dog and allergies are a concern, you should know that there is truly not a hypoallergenic dog breed, however 'non-shedding' dogs tend to be more allergy friendly so I understand why you would go for a multigenerational doodle. Here is a link to the most allergy friendly breeds:   Notice that doodles are NOT on that list. While doodles are great dogs, not all of them are  allergy friendly, plus there is a coat change from pup to adult that can cause a change in your allergic reactions to them. Here is an article about determining your allergy level with a particular doodle.    

Wow, what an enlightening article.  I had no idea.  I thought poodles were the only allergy friendly dogs. 

Great reply and post Nancy!  Wishing you luck with this Melissa!

Thanks for all of this great info!  We did spend a lot of time researching for a breed and breeder and finally settled on a multigenerational ALD.  Our breeder has been in the business for 12 years and has placed many of her pups into households with members who have allergies.  My husband feels quite confident that he will be fine with Hugo.  We will do everything possible to make our home a forever-home for Hugo.  We love this little guy so much! 

Good luck Melissa, enjoy your new puppy, Hugo.

Good luck, Melissa.  I am sure your husband will do all that he can to be able to be around the pup.

Love the name Hugo!



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