Lucca loves cat poo. I have a domed lid on the litter box but he still sticks his head in. I try to keep the poo scooped but I'm not quick enough all the time. He also has sniffed out where there is poo buried outside. Any suggestions other than dog-proofing. The entire house and yard is Lucca-proofed.
We have a room for the cats sectioned off with a babygate for my two cats. Inside I have their food and the cat box. The dogs cant come in but the cats can jump out.
Hi - what I have asked my hubby to do is to cut a hole in the bottom of the door to the laundry room - that's where we keep our cat box. Then the cats can go in and out but the dog can't. (but I'm still waiting... lol )
All great but one of the cat's is too fat!! to jump. If I put the litter box anywhere else she will go on my clothes in the laundry room. So, I can't move the box. I have a dysfunctional cat!!! I thought there was something you could give them to make them stop. I guess I could spray the poo in the box with bitter apple....that's a thought. He hates that stuff!!
Great idea but one of the cats is too fat!! She's on a perpetual diet. Since I wrote this post Lucca has actually gotten better about not eating it out of the litter box. Thank goodness.
Cody LOVES my cats pool. I have baby gates to keep him away. As soon as I open a gate he heads straight to it. I constantly have to clean the boxes so he doesn't get to it. Cody is 101/2 months old and still doesn't get Leave it!
Sorry, no advice. My dog does it too! She goes outside and looks for it in the mulch. So when I see mulch on her face I know what she was doing and tell her Bad dog.
I have zero suggestions, but after reading your story, I took a preventative approach to try to keep our pup from ever discovering the cat litter so hopefully he never gets a taste. (My sister has had the same problem with her puppy and now she struggles with the same issue).
Good for you because it's disgusting!!!! Just make sure he doesn't get a hold of any on walks also. Lucca seems to have radar and zeros in before I can get him away!!!