Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Both my boyfriend and I work from home, and thus Fenway is with us pretty all day. (Either out for a walk, having playtime or just napping nearby us while we work.) 

We have Dropcam and keep an eye on him when we go out, and he has a tendency to bark a LOT when left alone.

This is the case even if we go to a lot of trouble to make sure he's very well exercised before we leave, and should happily nap.... And it's the case if we keep him in the crate, or on our bed (where he's happier, or at least should be.) No one has complained about the barking but I just don't like thinking he's unhappy! 

Anyone have any good advice? We don't want to create a co-dependent dog, but admittedly since we're HOME we struggle with crating or otherwise separating him for no real reason. 

We have an older cat (who doesn't want ANY part of his play time - we keep them separated when we're gone - don't ever want to come home to a horrible situation...) and sometimes I just wonder if we could get a kitten for him, to keep him company?! (Sounds insane, I know.) A second doodle just isn't in the cards in where we live... not something we can manage.

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Does he have things in the crate to entertain himself with?
Gracie whines and cries when we leave, but since I don't have any devices set on record (maybe I should. Lol), I don't know what she does. I'm hoping sleeps or gnaws on her chew toys.
I've been watching Zac George's videos on YouTube. I think he has some really good advice and so far anything I've tried with his recommendations is spot on.

Anyway, although we don't have anxiety problems I watched this video because we used to have a dog that was very anxious when we left. I wanted to see what he suggested.

Hello Michele, I'm back. LOL I was watching this video: about barking and how to teach them not to bark.  He has some good advice throughout the whole thing, but at the end he talks about before you go to work (or for us it would be leaving the house) to do some fetch or games about 20 min. before you leave. Anyway, I'm not trying to high jack this thread, just thought I'd share that this video as well.

Thank y

Can you tell from watching him on the Dropcam if there are any triggers that start him barking?  My guys will bark when we're not home if they hear something or someone's clearly sounds that trigger it.  We were able to stop it by gating them in our room, making sure all the windows were closed and turning on the TV (any station but Animal Planet which always sets my big guy off).  That cured the problem....if they don't hear anything they don't bark.  Also be sure when you leave that you show no emotion at all...not even saying goodbye.  Just don't look at him and walk out the door.

We do try to remember to close the windows (for sound reasons) and have put the TV on sometimes but should try to be better about that! I do think that the TV helps a LOT.

I'll definitely keep a closer look at the Dropcam to see when he STARTS and see if we can isolate the triggers... 




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