Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Gracie, Jade, & Barkley
  • Female
  • Wolcottville, IN
  • United States
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Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's Friends

  • Stacy, Winnie,Chewy & Pongo
  • Lauren Johnson
  • Erin and Wrigley
  • Becky & Gracie
  • Allee & Sue
  • Jessica, Loki and Moose
  • Lauren Mroz
  • SoSa
  • dal
  • The Zoey Files
  • Melissa
  • Shoney & Ruby
  • Susan & Randy's Kate
  • Marie and Hoka
  • Cindy and Olive (Ollie)

Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's Discussions

Boarding all of my pups for the first time! What should I expect?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gracie, Jade, & Barkley Apr 9, 2016. 21 Replies

I am currently deciding which boarding facility I'm going to take them to. I've decide on an indoor/outdoor run type of boarding where they will also have at least 3 times out in a fenced area…Continue

Tags: anxiety, Boarding

Update: Not Impacted puppy teeth, but a reaction to flea meds.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gracie, Jade, & Barkley Mar 26, 2016. 11 Replies

My Jade has some super smelly breath and while it doesn't bother me, my husband said that it is worse than normal. I normally smell something similar when she's losing her teeth.However, today she's…Continue

Jade has a different micro chip implant than the others; which company should I register her with?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gracie, Jade, & Barkley Feb 20, 2016. 9 Replies

Jade was micro-chipped when we got her. Her company is AKC Reunite (which looks like it was formerly AKC CAR) and I have not registered her yet.Barkley came chipped with Home Again and when Gracie…Continue

Tags: microchip

Jade had fun socializing today.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gracie, Jade, & Barkley Feb 7, 2016. 6 Replies

She got to visit a classroom full of 4-5 yr olds. She behaved so well that I can hardly believe it.The teacher thought she was an older pup as well as she behaved.Now if I could get the carsickness…Continue

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F, Calla & Luca replied to Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's discussion Emergency stomach surgery and the after effects in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Hoping you get a diagnosis and that Jade is owing better soon."
Jun 30, 2019
Gracie, Jade, & Barkley replied to Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's discussion Emergency stomach surgery and the after effects in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Thank you, I will start looking for an IMS. "
Jun 30, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's discussion Emergency stomach surgery and the after effects in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"IBD has many forms, and the symptoms are varied. They include regurgitating food and water, nausea, diarrhea, loud rumbling stomach sounds, inappetance, and other digestive symptoms. It can come on very suddenly; it did with my Jack. His digestive…"
Jun 30, 2019
Gracie, Jade, & Barkley replied to Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's discussion Emergency stomach surgery and the after effects in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"They have a regular endoscope, but not one that would be flexible enough to explore the esophagus and into the stomach. Initially she thought the blockage was a tangible item. She said she could refer us elsewhere. I agreed to the surgery.…"
Jun 30, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's discussion Emergency stomach surgery and the after effects in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Also, your vet should have had a GI blood panel run. "
Jun 30, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's discussion Emergency stomach surgery and the after effects in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Please see a Veterinary Internal Medicine specialist. This is exactly what happened to my Jack before he was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, including the stenotic pyloris.  I'm very upset that your vet went ahead and did…"
Jun 30, 2019
Gracie, Jade, & Barkley added a discussion to the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)

Emergency stomach surgery and the after effects

It's me again. We are having the worst luck when it comes to our doodles this year. :( We lost Gracie who was only 4 in February to Hemangiosarcoma which appeared out of nowhere and hit us pretty hard. Now Jade who is 3.5 yrs is having issues. She was vomiting for hours early morning on Thurs and after getting a dose of cerrenia (She had gotten sick 2 weeks prior and we had some leftover), she was drooling excessively. The vet had us drop her off to observe, take tests, and xrays. She said it…See More
Jun 30, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have one Labradoodle, Gracie. Gracie is just over a year old. We also have a Schnoodle, Barkley, who was adopted from a rescue group 9 years ago. We had another furry family member, Bristow, who was very sick and passed on a week before we decided to get Gracie.
We have recently added Jade, a Goldendoodle, to our family. She is a sweet and very smart doodle girl.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My husband had met a doodle and felt that it would be a good match for our family.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I love training the dogs to do tricks as well as mind their manners.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I brush and bathe them as well as take them to a groomer.
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Gracie, Jade, & Barkley's Blog

Reading emotions?

Posted on February 12, 2015 at 11:23am 16 Comments

As women sometimes do, I was having an emotional morning.  Standing in the blustery subzero darkness in my pjs and overstuffed down coat waiting for Gracie to do her biz, tears rolled down my face. Wishing for her to hurry up but oblivious to what she was actually doing, I look down and Gracie was sitting there in front of me lifting her paw and pawing at my leg - as if to say it will be ok, Mom. Kind of like a child will do when they see their mom all flustered and rush to give them a…


Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 8:19am on November 7, 2015, Jessica, Loki and Moose said…
Thanks for the friend request! How is the search for a potential puppy going?? :)
At 8:31am on February 25, 2015, Amanda Schultz said…
My client and friend decided to have puppies. She decided that she would keep one (ended up with 2;) and she would only get rid of pups to friends or friends of friends. She keeps me and most of the puppy parents updated with pics and stories. I LOVE finding out new things about his siblings. Once it warms up we may have a reunion at our new dog park. I will post lots of pics! They all look so different, some waaaay more poodley than others. Im really looking forward to that.
At 3:41pm on February 22, 2015, Amanda Schultz said…
...minus the ears. Juno has much bigger ears. :)
At 3:39pm on February 22, 2015, Amanda Schultz said…
Hi, Lyndy! I just posted a pic of Juno, Banks' sister. (She is my favorite besides banks of course) and she looks just like Gracie! You will have to take a look.
At 9:43am on January 20, 2015, Becky & Gracie said…

Your Gracie is adorable! So nice to meet another one :)

At 6:37pm on January 19, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Lyndy, thank you for the friend request. I love the picture you posted of Barkley and Gracie. 

At 2:17am on January 10, 2015, Susan & Randy's Kate said…

They are very cute.

At 10:19pm on January 9, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Enjoyed your pictures and look forward to seeing more.

At 7:01pm on January 9, 2015, Debbie and Bentley said…
Welcome to Doodle Kisses! You will find a very supportive bunch of doodle lovers here and many groups to join. Puppy Madness, The Food Group, and Doodle Grooming are great for starters. Gracie and Barkley will eventually be great buddies.


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