Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi. I'm having trouble getting my puppy to obey the 'come' command. Any suggetions on how to get her to obey?

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We are still working on the 'come' command outside but inside we started off with any time she came to us we'd say good come and give her a treat. Then we'd put her in a sit/stay and walk 2-3 steps away and tell her to come and give her a treat. With time we've increased the distance and only sometimes give her treats but it was really just a gradual process. When she got up from her sit/stay too soon, I'd put her back in a sit/stay and not give her the treat until she came after I said come. Treats and affection were definitely what made it possible. On a side note, her come was never complete until she sat down right in front of me. She does now sit when she comes inside but outside she'll come because she knows she's supposed to and then run off again.
In our training class they say this is a long process. But basically you start out with only calling your dog when you know they will come. Or if you know they are starting to walk or run towards you. You don't need to use the word "Come" at first just praise and treat for them coming to you. I started out just by patting my kness and excitedly saying "little puppy, little puppy" and I knew she would come to me for attention. Always set them up for success. We reward with a treat and have a big party when she comes: "Good Girls" and lots of love. We give her a couple more treats for staying with me and not running off right away. Then I release her by saying "OK" We are still working on it. I know she will not come if she is doing something she would rather do than get love and attention. Like chewing a toy or playing with another dog. Or if she has something she shouldn't. So we don't use the command in those situations because it would not work.
Thank you very much for this information. My pupppy is only 15 weeks old. But, I want her to learn the 'come' command. I want to have a dog that listens and does what I say. I will try these methods and see how they work. Thanks again.
Just remember... teaching a good recall has to be more than "trying" a method. You have to kinda pick one and stick to it for good. Another thing to keep in mind is "teaching" is the easy part.... being consistent and reinforcing it so that the response remains strong is the tough part. Keep at it regularly...practice in lots of places once puppy learns at home and do your best to be consistent.
Jane's trainer taught the same method of "come" as mine did and it seems to be working great!
I don't want to add anything to "how to teach" part of training, but I do want to say that for the most part a reliable recall (off leash) is not to be expected for puppies under a year. Your pup will go through a teenage period around 7 months (give or take) for a while and test bounderies. For this reason, treat your "come" command as a sacred word you ONLY say when you can enforce it. She's still learning the boundaries of "come" and other commands and still learning where it applies and where it does not. Of course to YOU it applies ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE but it will take PRACTICE in many places, with different leash lengths and new distractions before she generalizes the idea that "Come always means go to momma and sit in front of her until she tells me otherwise" -- until you've practiced on leash in parks, downtown, in your yard, on the sidewalk, near kids, near dogs, near birds and ducks on 6 foot leash, 10 foot leash, 30 foot leash...AND she is totally reliable on all those do not call her off leash unless you are 100% sure she will come.

Also never use the official "come" command if she is in trouble or you're gonna do something to her she hates (ear drops, etc). Instead go GET her or bribe her with a treat or something else that will entice her to come to you. But save the "COME" command for training sessions and when you are positive she will respond. Doing otherwise will dilute it and teach her it is 'optional.'
Hi Everyone, My puppy classes have suggested that the treat used when the puppy is called with the Come command be a very high value treat. They suggest using beef baby food in the jar. This has worked for me very reliably for months. Sadie is now almost 8 months old and the past few times we have had off leash sessions, I have called Come and even with the baby food, she isn't coming. So, I just have leashed her up and we have yelling or anger, just leaving. I don't really know what else to do. I would say that she now comes about 90% of the time.
At our training, they recommended you connect "Come" with a special treat/word. We taught Macey the word "cookie" by saying cookie and giving her a treat, over and over, and over (probably 30 times). She learned that the word "cookie" was connected to her getting a treat. When we need her to come inside, we say, "Macey Come. Cookie." and she is inside the house in a flash...that is, unless she wants us to come out and play, and then that is another story!!
My trainer told me that when I call the "come" command make it seemt the most exciting thing in the world to the puppy. Clap, make noise and praise, praise praise.... It worked for a while, but I think Riley has entered his teens because now he looks at me like he is not sure if I am really THAT exciting to come too. :) hehehe.

Anyways I keep doing it and giving him treats and it works 90% of the time. Unless he is in pursuit of the cat then all bets are off.
Willy is a whiz when it comes to the command "COME". He has always just come running whenever I call his name and sits in front of me. Weird, but I love it. I don't know how long this will last, but I'm enjoying it for now, and reinforcing it with treats. But in his Puppy Kindergarten class, they teach you to have your dog on a leash, let him wander away a little and then call him by name, with a little tug on the leash if necessary, and then give him tons of praise him and a yummy treat. Another way is to run backwards with your dog coming towards you and then praise him and give treats when he comes right up to you. I guess there are many ways to teach the "COME". They also said the best command is "SIT", so if your dog was in a dangerous spot, he'll sit immediately and you can go to him.
the biggest thing I've learned about "come" is NEVER use it if you want the dog for a negative action, like trimming his nails, grooming, scolding, cleaning his ears, medicine, etc....

only use come if it's for a treat or affection.....



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