Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I recently added a new doodle to my family (look at picture attached) and so far he is doing great. He gets along really well with my almost 2 year old doodle, Forrest, and he is pretty much potty trained! The only issue I'm having is the crying in his crate when I leave him. I have a camera that watches him and all he does is cry and bark. I feel so bad for leaving him but even if it's just for 30 minutes his cries... non-stop. At night in his crate he is fine. He whines occasionally, but then just goes back to bed. It's just when I leave that he gets crazy. Any suggestions or tips as to what I can do to fix this?

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Replies to This Discussion

Is Forrest kenneled while your gone too? Is Jameson possibly crying because he can hear him outside while he is kenneled up?
Ps Yeti and I follow Forrest and Jameson on Instagram and you guys are soooo cute! We are getting a new dood around this time next year and I'm hoping Yeti and the new little guy or girl get along as well as yours do!!
Aw thank you for following them! :) and No, Forrest is roaming free... maybe it is because he can hear and see him. And really?! How exciting!! It's so fun to have two!
A couple weeks ago we had our friends dog over for the weekend. Ever since we got Yeti he has always been kenneled when we leave, Axel not so much. We went to leave for the store and could hear Yeti crying SO loud from outside the house. We figured it was because he could hear Ax walking around while he was cooped up in his kennel. Perhaps you could put a small radio by his kennel and cover it so he can't see him?
Is it possible to maybe block off a small area for both of them to wander around while you are gone rather than having one in the kennel and one not?
Yes we love you guys :) The way you can get both of the puppies to stay SO still while taking a picture is a work of art. Yeti gets so anxious when he sees a camera it's hard to get him to sit still long enough to get a decent shot.

Yeah! I am going to try that. Thank you for the tips :)

And yeah, haha I just always have a treat handy so at least they know they get something as a reward!

Love those pictures! Maybe try a Kong or bully stick. Or a snuggle puppy.

Thank you! And yes, I saw your suggestion and decided to buy a kong toy. I am going to stuff it with peanut butter and freeze it. :)

Putting the radio ot tv on might help. Or maybe a Kong with a frozen treat inside to keep him busy and look forward to being kenneled during the day when you leave.

Cheddar follows you on instagram too, your pups are incredibly cute together :)

Thank you for the reply! I will try the music too. And thank you Cheddar for following them :)

I was also thinking that Jameson might do better if there is a way he can be with Forrest when you're gone. They are SO cute!!
By the way, my Jamie's full name is Jameson!! Now there are two Jameson doodles out there :). Also, I know this isn't the place to post this, but we had so much fun at the romp in Laguna Beach and were wondering where we can get the photos with Santa?

Yes! I am going to try and block off an area where they both can roam around.. Hopefully that helps :) Thank you! and no way! I didn't know that! Too funny :) When my Jameson gets older it will be fun to take him and Forrest to the park to play with Jamie.

And about the party, I am glad you had a lot of fun! If you follow this link it will take you to all the photos :)

Oh my goodness, those photos are just too precious. We had a horrible time with Winston in the beginning going in the crate.  I posted my own post on the same topic. He'd cry even if we left the room with him in his crate. 

Are you crating him when you are home at all? It might be the place to start so he gets used to it. The trainer at our puppy class was saying how people leave their puppies  out far too long because they fuss or cry. She recommended two hours in, one out. So if you aren't doing that I'd recommend maybe starting with smaller amounts of time. I'd put him in and then just go about your business coming and going out of the area of his crate, but paying him no mind at all if he's barking or yelping. That's what we did and although it seemed hard and to take forever at the time, it really wasn't long before he was staying happily in his crate.

Winston is 5 months old now, loves his crate, and stays in it for hours with no issue when we are gone and still has long naps in it throughout the day while we are home. He'll even just wake up and lay there for a while watching us before he gets up and starts to make it clear he'd like to come out.

We have a fairly large main floor and if I can't have my eyes on him, because I'm cooking or cleaning with cleaners  or working on a project etc. he's in the crate. I don't feel badly about this because even when he's out of the crate after some play time he just ends up curling up and falling asleep on the floor. Might as well sleep safely in his crate, so I can get some things done while he rests and he can still see and hear what's going on if he is awake.

Yeah, thats a good point...If I am home I usually just let him stay by me. I will start putting him in his crate more often for shorter periods of time so that he can get use to it. I want him to just go in his crate like your Winston does hah. I will try your suggestions, thank you :)



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