Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
He is home and seems okay---a bit BLAH...but I am sure that is to expected. I do have a question though---he is the first dog I have had to come home in a plastic collar. He is to leave it on for two weeks but the poor guy can't even walk through the house without getting caught up on something. PLUS- the tech warned us that it is sharp and to watch him with it around children---and I have three little ones. Can I take it off when I am watching him?--which is still a must when he is out of his crate, he is a toy thief. Anyone have experience with this that they can share? Any insight is GREATLY appreciated.
Poor Grayson...He'll get used to it. Lucca couldn't navigate for the first day and I thought I (and he would) go crazy but he did fine. They want it on because they don't want him to lick his stitches or glue or whatever they did. Lucca's incision was glued. As soon as I took the collar off (after 2 weeks) he immediately chewed off what was left of the glue.
They do have soft collars available and I know others put log T-shirts on their guys. I think it really depends on how much of a licker your little guy is. I know there are lots of discussions on DK about this. Do a search (IF the search feature is working yet?)
I'll be in the same boat in March when Izzy gets spayed and I heard girls take longer than boys to heal.
Good luck.
Yes I agree with Carla. It is sad to see but it really is for there on good. Manny hated it and I felt bad for him so I took it off just for a few minutes to give him some relief and he went right for his stitches. He got one of them that quick so after that I learned my lesson and left the cone on him. Luckily he didn't do any real damage but what was healing perfectly became red and inflamed and required another couple of days in the cone!
Carly, our Izzy will get spayed in late March too so we will have to commiserate on the healing time.
Hi Amanda and Grayson,
We had our Coco spayed last month and she ended up with "the cone of shame" as the vet called it and she had to remain in her kennel the majority of two weeks for healing!! I didn't think I could do it. She looked at us with that little face as if to say " why? what did I do?" I have to admit that we did let her out when we were home under very close supervision and took her cone off just to give her a break. If she started to lick, we would tell her no and she would stop most of the time. It was mostly the activity level that the vet was concerned about and Coco was so active that we couldn't even let her loose in the house because she just wanted to romp and play. She did end up with some swelling and fluid build up and we had to put her on Clavamox for about 10 days. Just use your judgement and see how Grayson is if you take his cone off for a bit. He may not lick or pull at his stitches, but if he does, you may have to cone him again. You don't want him to pull at the stitches or he may end up back in surgery or get infection if he is too active and gets swelling or fluid build up. I think females have a longer recovery and harder time in general because it's a more invasive procedure than with male pups. You could always try putting a snug t-shirt on him so he cant get to the stitches and that way, he could have a break from the cone. Good luck! You will survive this, we did!
Simon was sent home with a cone "just in case," but we didn't use it. The worst part was not the incision, but where he got razor burn on his tummy and sheath where he was shaved in pre-op. He has really tender baby pink skin, so I am sure it itched like crazy. After a few days, it healed enough he quit licking the razor burn part...thank goodness.
Connor was neutered early before we got him.
Call the vet and ask what they can suggest. If they don't offer anything effective, for bad itchiness I use Vet's Best Hot Spot Spray. It is tea tree oil, chamomile and aloe vera that comes in a pump spray. The tea tree oil and aloe are healing, the chamomile is soothing. It's available at PetsMart.
Poor kid. I know it drove Simon up the wall. Hope she's feeling better very very soon. <3
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