Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello, I'm hoping for some practical advice!  I have an under-2 medium goldendoodle who loves to play.  She's calm as can be with the humans but now we have a new 11-week-old standard labradoodle.  And chaos is the new normal in my home.

I have to admit I'm struggling.  We are crating the puppy whenever we can't have eyes on her etc.  But anytime she's not crated it's like two whirling dervishes have been unleashed in my home!

My GD goes all alligator mouth and the LD puppy is running with her and biting her.  Don't get me wrong; they love it.  Me, not so much.  My older girl is very well trained but suddenly has gone deaf to our voices!  The pup doesn't hardly know her name yet...  They are sooo into each other it's like no one else exists!   The noise of their play growling and yiping is loud too!  As I used to tell my kids: we're a quiet family! :)

Other than crating, I'm keeping a leash on the LD puppy to guide her outside, etc.  The GD will have time-outs in the bedroom occasionally so we can have a quiet calm moment, but cries until she can rejoin the new puppy.  It's been 2 weeks and the craziness that I thought would be temporary has not let up yet.  At All.

I did board my older girl for 3 days over New Year's and it was calm here!  The little LD can settle quickly without my big teenager GD around stirring the pot.  I am having to take them outside to potty separately as they can't focus on the task at hand when the other is out too.

I am trying to tire each one out separately too.  It's been a little hard because we've had unbelievable rain and flooding for 2-3 weeks.  The yard is just now starting to be walk-able without knee-high rubber boots.

Tell me they will calm down together?  Has anyone had this kind of dynamic?  It was temporary, right? :)

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Just thought I'd update... Things were going a lot better. More outdoor exercise and putting my older girl on "place" helps. Lately though things have degenerated a bit as I haven't been so organized. Potty training has lapsed as well. New girl is learning her name, ah-ah, hurry up. She starts puppy 101 tomorrow! So far she's a lot more needy and wants us always in her sight. Barks if she's tethered or crated away from us which is kind of a pain. Hoping she'll get more confident as she matures. She's a cutie though! Now if she'd just realize indoors means no pee puddles!
How did puppy 101 go?
Consistency is the key especially with puppies!
This weekend has been pretty good! We've been dog sitting a neighbor's English cocker spaniel, an old guy. He's horrified at all the puppy romping! He skips off by himself for piece and quiet behind closed doors.

Puppy 101 was ok. First forty minutes was hearing about training philosophy, collars, etc. Last twenty minutes we worked on Look and Sit. Luna (labradoodle puppy) did great! Unfortunately she threw up on the way - had to borrow a leash - hers was unusable. Hope the carsick passes! There was another labradoodle there who was older, a little rowdy, with a wiry coat. Very cute in a teenage way. A boxer mix who was almost stronger than his/her owners. And a teacup Maltese that came in in a baby carrier! Talk about tiny. Luna was a bit nervous but very well behaved.

Yesterday lots of accidents in the house. She knows Outside and Hurry up, but just pees a little outside. Then seems to let it go randomly indoors. Today I'm setting the timer for every 45 minutes to go out. We've had two accidents so far. I was able to interrupt once. Got to get a handle on the peeing! She gets horribly frantic if she's crated out of sight so I'm sitting here holding her leash right now.

I've been putting Sunny (older GD) on Place whenever she gets too rowdy. She's totally the instigator here! She will not quit. Very poor dog manners!

I can't wait for Luna to get some bladder control and also for her to grow bigger. I think sunny won't be quite so bold when she's outsized.
Jade gets carsick. The vet said it should pass around 5 months. But, if not then I guess we will try Benadryl. Also, try taking her out for shorter car rides.

Are you confining her to one area or room when she's in the house? Gracie my Labradoodle had a very active bladder, so I feel your pain. Jade my newest addition and a Goldendoodle is much more relaxed and it seems so is her bladder and control of her bowels. She alerts us every time and as long as we are paying attention all is well!

We are trying short rides...  she will vomit as we pull up the driveway.  Once she hopped out of the van and threw up on the garage floor!  Poor girl.  I'm hopeful to hear she should outgrow it.  

I am confining her to either the crate or I'm tying her leash to the kitchen chair...  she will bark like mad if we all go out of sight though and sometimes I think she'll pee where she's tethered out of anxiety.

Today she did SO WELL.  We had a routine going.  Out to pee, freetime, then tether.  Then she gets a hyperactive bladder in the evening.  I had taken her out and ten minutes later she comes strolling out of a bedroom and I look behind her to see a large pee spot on the rug! :(  I think she doesn't empty completely when going.  Sometimes she'll go twice in two different spots while outside.  Also if I praise her she pops up and runs over so now I'm quiet! :)

I wait until the bottom comes up before I say anything. I say, "yes" and then treat as soon as I can. I have weaned off the treats now, but still say yes as soon as her bottom pops up. Then, tell her she's a good girl, etc. Jade has tinkled two times at once but only when she had been crated for awhile.

Maybe keep her confined to one room? We let them have free reign of the dining room kitchen area since it is laminate flooring. It's easier to clean up. Then as they get better at it, we allow more freedom in the other rooms as they are carpeted. Carpet can be like grass to them. ;)

Usually in the evening, the pups are more active and when they play, run, wrestle, they need to eliminate almost as soon as they stop.
She will get there.
If it seems like she isn't getting it and the accidents continue, she could have a uti.
Our house is all open area except for bedrooms and bathrooms. So I could put an x-pen up but she would totally tinkle in it - she keeps her crate dry but if tethered she'll go to the outer edge of the leash and piddle.

I thought of a uti. If she continues I'll take her in. But she's sleeping through the night and can go several hours in her crate if I go out.

Oh and she's learned how to drink out of the toilet so she's having fun tanking up!

She only had one accident today! I'd taken her out three times in the span of an hour and then tethered her in the kitchen. While I was in and around. Yep a big puddle. So I am going to crate her unless I have eyes on her. I am trying to remind myself that sunny my GD had accidents until probably six months and now she'd be horrified to make a mistake. She even wakes me with a little throat clearing sound at night if she's got an upset tummy!

The playing is a lot better. We are managing the older one and if the older girl has to go to place then little one suddenly would rather take a nap too. Outside though it can be a wild free for all. Looking forward to calm older dogs. :)

On another note the puppy now puts herself to bed in her crate! So excited. So the crate anxiety of the first couple weeks is about gone. Hope that will encourage some new puppy owners - Luna was horrible at night at first!
My house is open too. This time around with Jade I got an Iris 8 panel exercise pen. I initially was working when we first got her and it was part time so I set it up for to have a potty area. She tore up the potty pads no matter what I did. She would cry and just not be happy in there.
I found a different job that was more in line with what I am geared for and its was a real part time at only 4 hours per day. Which was what I initially wanted. So, she is crated while I'm gone with no potty accidents.

Anyway, the reason I'm telling this part is that the Iris 8 panel can be taken apart and refigured anyway you want. We don't use it as an ex pen anymore, but use it to divide between rooms, etc. Jade can be monitored better and we have more freedom than when we used the puppy gate.

Also, I think when you tether them you are supposed to be within their sight at all times. I could be wrong about that, but I had a pup that we trained that way when my boys were little. I think it was even more exhausting than running a pup out every 15 min. ;)
So, probably the crate would be the best place for your pup when you can't keep an eye on her. That's what we did with Gracie. I did not trust Gracie to be out of my sight for at least the first 6 months! Jade is just different in so many ways, this time around for us has been easier. I guess they are like kids - you always get opposites. ;)

Yay about her crating herself! Baby steps. :)

I want to update everyone: we are slowly doing better!  Luna (puppy) did great at her puppy class this week.  Vomited horribly both going and coming though.  Really hope she outgrows this carsickness.  She was still having lots of accidents so I took a ladle-caught urine sample to the vet and they told me it was clear of bacteria, so no UTI. 

I've tried to crate her more when I'm not "on" her and I don't want to jinx myself but she's doing better!  Less fly-by accidents but still probably one a day.  None today though!  She's been sitting at the back door a couple of times too, just staring at it, and gone right out to pee.  I'm so excited!  She'll be 15 weeks Tuesday.

Got a Ruffwear harness for walks.  She's still wild on walks but today with the harness was maybe a little better.

Good to hear about the progress.

I asked the vet about Jade and her carsickness he said it could take until she is 8 to 9 months to get over it.
Have you tried Dramamine? You give it to them 30 min before you leave. There are dosages online according to their weight.



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