Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have had my Clyde who is 5 month , for going on 2 weeks He is adapting well to a new home as well as to a brother Rat terrier mix . I'm working on stopping rough housing in house between the two but they seem to love each other, Buddy the terrier is only 11 months.
Clyde is doing well in crate from 8 pm to 7:30 am
My problem so far is going to potty. It seems like Clyde doesn't empty bladder all the way I'm taking him out every hr when not in crate. I pick up water after feedings. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

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Hi Deborah!

I think it just take time for Clyde to acclimate to his new environment. Does Clyde tell you when he has to potty or are you just taking him out every hour? He may just be going because he's out on a walk and not because he would necessarily "have" to go.

My thought is as long as you're keeping track of water and rewarding him for pottying outside, it just takes time to learn the ropes of a new house. I would just stick with what you're doing!

Thanks Laura. Clyde also pees when excited. So he and Buddy play so much that comes into play to. Well he goes to door but he also likes to lay at door lol so I'm getting mixed signals you can search on this group for details, but I do remember seeing many other people reported excited peeing - sounds like this is not uncommon and that many pups grow out of this. If you are in the midst of potty-training Clyde (sounds like you are?), then I would recommend taking him out whenever he goes to the door OR using the potty bells to teach a signal. Again, they can abuse the bells to go out, but I wouldn't risk not taking him out while he's learning. Make sure you're giving treats EVERY time he potties outside and including a "good potty" or some phrase for reinforcement. If you're concerned about how much Clyde drinks/pees, though I would talk with your vet. That can be a sign of a UTI. You kind of have to rule out medical stuff before dealing with behavioral stuff anyway.

I know it sounds counter productive but I would not pick up his water after feedings. Dogs should always have access to water. Especially if they are playing together and rough housing. They will both be hot and thirsty.
As he ages he will get more bladder control. He may also just like being outside.

I agree - Angus wasn't great at drinking water as a puppy, but we did pay attention to when he would drink knowing he'd have to potty not long after. The only time we removed the water was in the evening (I think we were putting it up by like 7/8pm for a 9:30/10pm bedtime. 

I do put water down during day. Clyde really gets hot. I just don't leave it

Imagine if you were thirsty and needed a drink. You cant communicate with anyone to let them know. :( Unfortunately, he doesn't have a way to tell you when he needs it. Water is so important for so many reasons. I understand that there will be potty accidents but they won't last long unless he has a medical problem. Thats just part of having a puppy. They re smart and learn quickly that its best to pee outside.

Thanks for helping me see better approach on water. That's why I'm loving this board

Deborah, I hope that didn't come across too harsh. Sometimes things in writing appear meaner than they were intended. There is a LOT of help available here on any subject. We all love Doodles and just want what is best for them!

Thanks. Yes breeder said potty trained but I know new location and new life has thrown him off. We are still learning each other. I am taking him to vet for first time with me tomorrow. Will discuss my questions. Thanks. So much. I feel like I did as young mother lol overwhelmed. We are going to first training today

I found with my Bell that letting her run around outside helped her to go several times.  She still gets distracted and I tell her to "finish" until she goes again or poops (be sure to really praise your puppy and say "good finish").  I don't remove water because I don't want her to get dehydrated.  Bell is now 8 months and one week old and the only accidents she has are when my husband doesn't watch her.  I know the signs of when she needs to go and I pay attention to them.  Bell can go 4 to 6 hours now without pottying.  Good luck it really does get better.  PS there are many ways of housebreaking a puppy you just have to pick the method that you feel is best. 

Thanks to you all. I will start leaving water and limit just in evenings. In helps to to have fresh eyes to help Trainer suggested a little more crate training when Clyde does go enough and treats when he does. Also bell on door.



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