Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi!  I wasn't sure where to post this (forums? training? or here so I decided to go with puppy madness since i'm pretty sure this is a puppy issue).

Cooper turned one last month.  He is doing great and has come so far in his training and general behavior.  About a month ago, we stepped up the training and had a private trainer come for two sessions to address jumping on visitors.  She had us change a lot (no couch, has to obey a command to receive anything - for example, sit to go outside, play, eat etc, loose leash training instead of easy walk harness...).  He is doing great with it all and we even had a house full of people over Thanksgiving and he did great.

However, the last two or three days, he has totally regressed and is jumping on the couch randomly (he definitely knows this is a no-no), play biting (with me especially) has increased (I think mostly when he's tired in the evenings), barking and misbehaving for attention etc...  It is pretty unlike him at this point but he doesn't seem sick or anything.  He's eating and pooping well, playful etc.  So I guess my question is it normal for a year old puppy to regress in behavior from time to time?  I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but this is my first time around with a dog so I wasn't sure.

Thanks for any advice on how I should be handling this.

Thank you!

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We are a few months behind you but I will share my experience.  Anytime I "beef up" my training efforts, Izzy seems to do really well for a while and then regress after several weeks.  When I reflect on it, I realize that I may have slacked off or not been perfectly consistent like I was the first couple weeks of the training. 

I read A LOT and it is my understanding that this is typical teenage doodle stuff.  At one year old, your doodle is likely still smack in the middle of those teenage/adolescent years.  I would be as consistent as possible and keep at it. 

It is so frustrating - especially the jumping and play biting!  I often find comfort in knowing that I am not alone!  We all struggle at times with these puppies!

Doodlekisses has been such a blessing to me over these last 7 months. 

Gracie is the same age as Cooper. She gets a little mischievous now and then. I think it's just the age. But, I've taught her off so that when I say no to the couch or bed, I mean it. Wait until I tell you it's ok.
I'm intrigued about the loose leash vs the easy walk harness though, because you should be loose leash walking with the easy walk as well. If Gracie isn't loose while on the leash and easy walk, we don't go anywhere. Or we turn around into the opposite direction. I do try to walk Gracie without the harness, but I have back issues and she is very strong. So, if she decides to take off with just a collar on, it's much harder on me and she can almost pull me off my feet. I'm not a twig either. ;) If on the other hand she decides to take off with the harness on, she isn't going anywhere and neither am I.

It sounds like Cooper is testing the new limits.
I've heard about those collars that pinch. A very experienced dog walker who plays with several of his clients' dogs in the Park told me about it, Are they too young to have those?



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