Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello. I know this has been addressed before and I've read a lot of the other posts about this subject... but thought I'd ask again: How do I get my 9 week old to sleep through the night? Specifically, I'd like to move him out of my room but not sure if I should or not since he still needs to go out once per night. He's in a small crate right next to my bed right now.  

Last week he slept for 4 hours straight- which was wonderful. I was looking forward for that to continue and improve. But this past weekend was the opposite! He whined/yelped to get out every 2 hours. I tried to ignore the loud whining, thinking he'd go back to sleep but it just intensified and turned into yelping/barking. SO, I got him out to go potty before he woke everyone up.

A couple times while I was putting on my socks to take him out he curled up in my lap and fell back to sleep!!! I was pretty irritated with that and made him go out anyway. Each time he did go pee but I'm sure he could've held it. 

I was wondering if his crate may be too small? I'm borrowing my friend's right now because I'm not sure how big he will get. He's in small crate  that belongs to a 10 lb chihuahua. He can sit and stretch out, but it's going to be too tight soon.

I take away his water around 7:30 pm and his last time out to pee is at midnight.

I just want him to sleep from midnight to 6am. Any suggestions?

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That seems like a long time to go without water...does he go to sleep between 7:30 & midnight?

We put Oskar in his crate about 11:30 or 12 & he'd make it until about 4:00 at that age.  Their bladders are really small.  

I don't think I'd take the crate from the bedroom yet.  We started Oskar downstairs alone, thinking he'd be closer to the door when he had to go out.  He settled down & slept longer once we moved him to our bedroom where he could sense us.

Good luck...remember, this phase is only a few weeks long :)

Yes- he usually falls asleep around 8:00 in the living room with us and I'll wake him up btwn. 11-12 when I head to bed, take him out and then he'll go to his crate to sleep.

Do you think he'd sleep better if I try to keep him up later?

Is Oskar's crate still in your room?

Thanks :) 

Make sure when you are taking him out you are not paying any attention to him whatsoever. No talking, praising, petting, nothing. Also, when he does wake you up to go potty in the middle of the night, he gets no treats for going (mistake I made in the beginning).

I would take water away by 7 at least at that age, we still take it away at 7 with our pup and he's almost 6 months. Winston has been able to sleep through the night since 12 weeks, so maybe it will just take a few more weeks for your pups bladder to get bigger.

If he doesn't go when you take him he goes straight back into his crate. I wouldn't move the crate from your bedroom unless your dead-set against it. I know they like it a lot better when they know you're in the same room. The crate size definitely sounds too small, if not now, then it will be soon. Winston is currently in a large and I'm starting to think it might be getting a little tight...

I was wondering about the crate size because he makes a great show of stretching when he gets out of it now :) I just want to buy 1 though and hope he doesn't outgrow what I get, probably a large size (42"). Breeder guessed he's be around 55 lbs. How big is Winston?

They thought Winston would be between 50-60, but it's hard to tell! Right now he is 37 pounds at not quite 6 months. He has the Pet Mate "Large Crate", I'm not sure about the measurements but it said it was the appropriate size for a Border Collie and Dalmatian. It fits him perfectly right now, but I think in a few weeks it might be too snug :-/ Maybe I'm just too paranoid about him being comfortable.

Thanks Anne. I've been procrastinating on a new crate but I do need to bite the bullet this week probably! 

When you took Indi out at 12-4-8... was that your schedule? or did you follow her lead? I would be ok with 12-3-6 or something like that. I know Holmes can hold it for 3 hours because he has no problems during the day and that's the longest I'll let him go.

Thanks for the tips. I'm going to try keeping Holmes up tonight around 8 or 9 instead of letting him fall asleep and see if that works. 

I can't imagine having a puppy that won't go to bed :) luckily he's been putting himself to bed. And as I'm typing this, Holmes is at my feet fast asleep, probably since he was up all night! 

We are dealing with the same thing, our 11 wk old gets us up at 3 am on the dot every morning....I am hoping he starts sleeping through the night soon!!!!!

Do you put a blanket over your puppies crate??? My 8 month old goldendoodle has slept through the night since the day we brought him home at 8 weeks old and has never slept in our room except for when he had stomach aches of course. I would suggest a blanket over the crate if you're not already doing so. They feel more den like when it is dark

Yes, I have a towel over his crate but the front is not covered. Think I should cover him up completely?

Funny, I was up late on my computer this weekend, in bed, and Holmes was sleeping in his crate next to me. Lights were off didn't think anything of it but then he started complaining because of the noise and probably the light from the screen. A tiny bit of payback which means nothing at all, I know! :)

Anne E I am so jealous...

Mine is 14, almost 15 weeks and I am still getting up at 3 am to take her out. from 8-9 weeks was 3Xnight, then 2Xnight for the next 2 weeks, then finally 1x night. I have not had a full night's sleep in 6, almost 7 weeks. Funny thing is, when she wakes up at 3 am, she always has to poop! She doesn't usually eat food after about 7:30 pm and poops right after where is all this extra poop coming from? :) Oh well, I'd rather wake up and take her out than clean it up! 

So from my experience, your expectations are too high at 9 weeks to be sleeping through the night...sorry, I'm right there with you wishing and hoping for a full night's sleep though! 

Ditto! I'm jealous too Anne!!! I know we'll get there... it's just the going through it that's tough. Unfortunately my husband wasn't truly on board when I brought this little guy home to join the family.... but I have been telling my husband for over 10 years that I'm getting a dog so this wasn't too much of a surprise! Just took me a while to find the right puppy.

I'm sorry to hear about your sleep troubles Hollidoodle, but I have to say it makes me feel better to know we're in the same boat :) OK, readjusting my expectations and shooting lower! haha I'm wishing us both good luck.



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