Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sophie Bear is 5 months old and I love her more than life itself. However, for some reason I have this strange feeling like one doodle isn't enough. I have been stalking my breeder's website ever since I brought her home. Well, there is this absolutely irresistable litter of doodles and I've already picked out my favourite one and named him.


It makes absolutely no sense for me to get another dog. My place isn't big enough, I don't have enough money, my Sophie Bear is still 5 months and has a lot to learn. Although she has been exceptionally easy to train, training two puppies is going to be really tough for one person (I'm single and live alone). Sophie already terrorizes Penelope the kitty with her playful energy and sloppy wet tongue and I think the kitty would run away from home if I brought another puppy into the mix.


So why am I still considering it? I just can't resist. It would be so fun to have a playmate for Sophie. I love watching her play with the other puppies in the park. I want one! I want one! I want one! *stomping feet and pounding fists*


Someone help knock some sense into me please! My head says this would be a mistake but I am someone who is guided by my heart...

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Puppies are ALWAYS tempting on breeder sites.  If you know you can't afford it and don't have space, DON'T DO IT!  Just enjoy the cuteness---I look all the time and I DO NOT want a 3rd dog.  But it's still fun.   Just pretend you're looking at $2,000 designer jeans.  Look but don't touch =)
It's so fun to look!  I have been looking for 2.5 years, ever since we got our first doodle.  Now we got our second puppy, and I'm really glad I waited until the first one was grown up and fully trained, because the new pup is a handful!  He is taking MUCH more work than the first one, even with all the training experience I have gained in the last couple of years. So my advice would be to enjoy looking, but not commit until you and Sophie Bear are both ready :)  She is so adorable!

ps. I forgot to mention that there are lots of things that you can really enjoy with just one dog.  Travelling is a lot easier with one, so take lots of trips with her.  Also, I found that doing agility and training for the CGN test (and if I had had the time, training for therapy work) was a blast with one dog, and very bonding.  So there's plenty of things for both you and her to enjoy together before getting a second pup.  



But look how cute your two doods are sitting so pretty side by side. I want that!
LOL-I JUST posted about this exact same thing!! My Molly girl is also 5 months old and I can NOT keep my eyes off of the different breeders websites. My breeder just had a litter of labradoodles and is expecting another litter of shepadoodles this summer....It's. so. hard.
But I too do NOT need another dog!
We already have TWO!! Granted, one is teeny tiny and has little dog he is basically treated like a little kid....therefore I want another doodle to play with my Molly doodle.

Sorry...I'm obviously NO help!

SHERRI!  Can you hear me?!  SHEEEEE-RRRRR-EEEEEE!!  Move closer to the monitor... CLOSER....

C-L-O-S-E-R.... That's it!  Now put your left ear up against the screen.... LISTEN! SH!   ready??? 


i want another too.... go for it!  LOL


 I know how you feel I am a closet stalker too - nah - actually I do it out right... in public... and darn proud of it!  It's just that they're so darn cute... but they are right... one is easier, but two is fun too.  It's just not the right time for us now... but there's always next spring and until then I'll just continue my stalking.... care to join me? LOL


double the poop, double the vet bills, double the food, double the......  2 are wonderful but if you can't afford it don't or wait until you can. Enjoy #1 now and do what Adina says...look but don't touch:) Puppies are so darn cute but my dad always said "puppies turn into big dogs." We have Izzy at 8 months and Lucca at 2 1/2. It is great now but Izzy was A LOT more work than Lucca ever was. Yes, they are playmates and LOVE being with each other but enjoy Sophie Bear now. If your circumstances change in the next year or so by all means..get #2 dood!!!
Make play dates with friends or find a doodle romp in your area.  It is so much harder to have 2 and especially since yours is so young and needs a lot of attention and training.  I hope you will resist the temptation.  I am happy with my 2 but I often wish I had waited.....

You are so adorable!  Can you see how many of us share your obsession?   It's like our biological Doodle clocks are ticking away...and they don't want to be ignored!  Every time you find yourself at the verge of crazy over an adorable little Dood, just take your precious Sophie Bear out and buy her a new toy from Petco...That's a lot cheaper, and Sophie will love having your attention and her new toy!   (It's still ok to look, but not touch!  :) 

Remember that two dogs are more than twice the work (expense too) of one dog.  And they would be very close in age.  If your dog really does need company, try for some training classes, play dates, and dog park activities.  I can't really talk because we always have two dogs now, but we have a house with big yard, are both retired, and have had puppies raised with older dogs.  They are so conditioned to having a second dog that it becomes really hard to have just one.  Once you have two, it is really hard to go back to one.
I agree Lynda...I wouldn't want to go back to life before we got Izzy but it truly has been more than twice the work.
Sherri, Stop looking or you will have two in no time....LOL. Maybe this will two dogs needed groomed today and it was $140. I had to go to the vet and get their Heartgard today too....another $100. Came home to see we are almost out of food...there goes another $50 tomorrow. Stopped at Petsmart to get a couple of chew toys/bones...close to $30. I love my two and have never regretted getting both, but two doods can break a bank!



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