Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sophie Bear is 5 months old and I love her more than life itself. However, for some reason I have this strange feeling like one doodle isn't enough. I have been stalking my breeder's website ever since I brought her home. Well, there is this absolutely irresistable litter of doodles and I've already picked out my favourite one and named him.


It makes absolutely no sense for me to get another dog. My place isn't big enough, I don't have enough money, my Sophie Bear is still 5 months and has a lot to learn. Although she has been exceptionally easy to train, training two puppies is going to be really tough for one person (I'm single and live alone). Sophie already terrorizes Penelope the kitty with her playful energy and sloppy wet tongue and I think the kitty would run away from home if I brought another puppy into the mix.


So why am I still considering it? I just can't resist. It would be so fun to have a playmate for Sophie. I love watching her play with the other puppies in the park. I want one! I want one! I want one! *stomping feet and pounding fists*


Someone help knock some sense into me please! My head says this would be a mistake but I am someone who is guided by my heart...

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That's a really good way to put it. I wouldn't want to deprive Sophie Bear of anything, whether it's my attention, my money lol or my energy. Thanks, that's the kind of convincing my heart needs, since my mind already knows what's best. I am likely not having kids, and am planning on purchasing a home with a yard next spring so  I guess that would be a better time...
I am the wrong person to ask!!  We got Rosey and 5 months later got Bandit... But it was the best thing because I know Rosey is much happier having another canine family member.. something was just "missing" until we got Bandit.. and I liked having 2 close in age... now we are done:)
I feel you and have considered this myself, but I know it's not in the best interest.  Just stay away from the breeders site, especially if your concerned about the $$$ aspect.  Just love your Doodle double time.  :D
:o) Sometimes I think if I loved Sophie any more than I do now I would burst at the seams.

I love having 2 dogs and would never want it any other way; HOWEVER, if you have any concerns about money, don't do it right now.  Even healthy dogs cost a lot (you know this by now I am sure!) and if one gets sick, forget about it!  Granted, I have an older chihuahua that has been sick recently.  But this can happen to anyone. My month of May expenses:

1. homecooked food for sick chihuahua:  $20 ingredients, 2 hours of time

2. Vet visits for sick chihuahua:  $250

3. Heartworm meds for chihuahua and mini goldendoodle:  $60

4. Evening Primrose Oil supplements for doodle allergies:  $15

5. Treats:  $6

6. Grooming for doodle: $75

7. Fromm for doodle:  $30


Granted, I had a lot hit this month, but it can happen at any time.  I probably have 3 months a year where I am spending this much ($456+).


So not to be a downer, but if you are concerned, just wait until you are not as worried about space or $.  Letting your little puppy get to age 2 would be an IDEAL time to get another in my opinion.


Also my list does not include the extensive training I have just ended (for the time being) for Peri.  And I used to do daycare more ($26/day 1-2x/week) but that is on hold since DH is working out of home and we are trying to save $.

yea, those extra costs do add up. :(

Oh GAWD help me! the puppy I wanted is still available. Why oh WHY did I check???


Of course you want this little lime boy. He is amazing! Good luck with that! haha.
QUIT LOOKING !!!!! silly :-)

...but I do it too ;-) it's sooo hard!!!

I'm totally crazy too!  I've only had Bexter a couple of weeks (he's only 9 weeks old...) and I have already e-mailed my breeder & asked her if she thinks Bexter's parents will be bred together again for next summer puppies!  She said yes, so I told her I want first pick girl & am now on the list!!!!  (My husband doesn't know yet - my breeder said since it's my second I don't even have to put the deposit down yet...)  But seriously...How can I NOT get the same parents that my PERFECT boy has?

The phrase that jumps out to me is "I don't have enough money".   Several days after getting my first doodle , I learned I would have to spend an additional $2000.00 for surgery on her.   Doodle #2 will need annual dental cleanings ($400-500) because she started getting plaque, 2 weeks !!! after her adult teeth came in.  I know it is hard to resist.  But you asked....
Just remember...looking is ok but don't least not for awhile:(



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