Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oliver will be 4 months in the 23rd of this month.

I'm wondering when is prime time teething for them.
Seems like he still has his puppy teeth and he's teething at the moment.

Is 4 months the right time for that?

When do his big boy teeth come in and these go out?

Sometimes he makes random panting or crying noises - wondering if that could be teething

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Our George is 18 weeks on Thursday. She has lost probably 8-10 teeth so far and all in the last 1-2 weeks. I would say Oliver is soon to follow. It took me few days to realize she was losing teeth.

Our Duke didn't lose all his puppy teeth until about 7-8 months.  Our vet said it varies... During this phase until about 10 months or so he was teething like mad! Not that he didn't like to bite before.  LOTS of chew toys help with this... I'm not sure about the panting or crying noises.... I would ask your vet to check him out.  Duke didn't do this...

Ragley lost her first tooth at 15 weeks. Sounds like he might be teething. Ragley never went through any "teething behaviors" though so I can't help with that part of things...

Our GD is going to be 14 weeks on the 22nd.  He just started increasing his "teething" behaviors and has lost 1-2 front bottom teeth just yesterday.  His top teeth started bleeding last night when he was playing rough with his rope toy.  I think those are ready to go soon too.  But he wouldn't play with his nylabone that night (like he usually does) - so I'm thinking they were hurting him.  I frozen wet wash clothe did the trick.  Good luck!  This stage has been rough for us so far, scary to think it is just the beginning!

Our guy is 16.5 weeks, aside from him being bitey - no teeth gone yet

My puppy will be 5 months on March 30. She lost her first tooth a week ago, about 4 1/2 months old. She seems pretty miserable. I think the process is over around 6 months of age.

My puppy loves crushed ice and that is really soothing for her, more so than her chew toys.



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