Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Lupin has been potty-trained since she was like 4-5 months old and she's now 9 mos old.  Last night she was clearly telling us she needed to go out but then would flat out refuse to go outside.  This happened several times until the inevitable happened and I found a lake on our hardwood floors.  It just happened again now...only it was more of a pond this time.  What gives?!?  Is she all of the sudden afraid of the dark?  Why won't she go outside?  Has anyone else seen anything like this?

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Darwin is 6 months old and he is a little bit scared of the dark. We have a few lights that we turn on outside and that helps, he'll run and play in the light areas. If someone walks by on the sidewalk out front where it's darker he growls and goes near, but not too near just to growl in a very low voice until they are gone.

We have the back door light on, but it doesn't illuminate much past the far end of the patio.  Its not like we live in the middle of nowhere and its pitch black....we're in a neighborhood....complete with street lights.  Silly puppy.

Hmmm...can you take him out on a leash to get him re-aquainted? That might help get him back into his routine. It's so frustrating when they are doing so well and regress...good luck!

I tried that....I would have had to really pull on her and essentially drag her out.  I didn't want to traumatize her or anything.  I think I might have to go back to carrying her out like we did when she was too little to do the steps on her own. 

Bridget, it's interesting-  Whidbey has had her moments like that too- especially at night.  I take her out every night at the same time, and it seems to help.  I put her on the leash and I stand there with her till she goes potty.  At first she would resist me- and every once in awhile she does, but now pretty much like clockwork, at around 10PM we go out together and she knows I will stand there till she goes.. and she now always does. 

I think the key is ROUTINE- at least for Whidbey it is.  She likes to count on the same program for the most part- and if she is taken off of it, we have had a couple accidents- but nothing that isn't controllable.  

Hope that helps!!


Hmmm....I'll start paying attention to our routine.  I'm wondering if maybe something spooked her out there recently....owl or raccoon or some such critter.  Its just so weird bc she knows she has to go potty, she tells us and then won't go out.  I feel bad for her. 

We had this issue last month. After weeks & weeks of no accidents, we had a bunch together & sometimes right in front of us. I posted the question here & got the answer. She had a UtI. We took a urine sample into the vet & sure enough she had an infection. 2 weeks on antibiotics & she is fine. UTI's are very common in females after the uhave been spay. Have your vet check her out or get a unrine sample(this is a story all it's own) & take it in.
Good luck. Let us know.

Will do...thank you! do you get a puppy urine sample....?  Guess I'll get some rubber gloves...haha!

That's the fun part. Fortunately, you do not need a lot. My first tries, I slipped a lid from a gladwar container under her as she squatted. She caught on very quickly. I managed to get a few drops & saved them but the vet tech didn't think we had enough. Then we tried following her around with a soup ladle & finally i took her to the vet where the vet tech tried to catch some with a soup ladel. I think Penny was totally humilated by the entire experience. I did take the small sample that we did have & sure enough it tested positive. After you collect a sample be sure to refrigerate til you get it to the vet.
It will take several days of antibiotics to stop the indoor accidents so be patient.
Let me know. Hopefully, Lupin will be more cooperative during the collection process.

The soup ladle image is hilarious....great start to my Friday...thanks!  ;-)

Lupin is possibly in a fear stage. I would suggest that you go out with her.  I remember Beau had some fear issues at night too at that age.  When they were puppies, I usually went out with them so I knew whether or not they had gone so we would not have accidents in the house.  Both of the boys still like me to go with them and they generally go at the same time.  Charlie is 2.5 yrs and Beau 1 yr old. I still always ask them to hurry up and go potty, and still praise them for it!  It makes life so much easier when we are traveling with them!  Good luck.   

Bridget, have you ever read the stages of development for puppies.  If you are interested, friend me and I will send you an email copy of the one I have - it is quite interesting.


I read that and even saved it somewhere and now I can't find it!!!  I'll friend you...thanks!



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