Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My cocoa is only 10 weeks so I know its way to early to expect her to be alone and she is still at the point where she wont leave my side but more than 10 feet. I have only had her 2 weeks so I know she is still adjusting to her new home.
But I am expecting a baby in May and was wondering how old do you think they are when they will step away from you a little and do their business outside alone?
Right now we are going out every 10-45 minutes depends on when she signals the door (the weather is really weird and nice here so she wants out constantly and I would not mind this except I have to go with her) While out there she plays for a good 20-30 minutes before doing her business. So I guess my fear is that she will continue this pattern for months and there is no way I can run outside this much and stay outside with her with a 4.5 year old in the house and a new born.
So do you think when Cocoa is 5-6 months old going outside with us by her side will be a thing of the past? I can not remember how long I had to do this with my other dogs and long for the day I can once again just open and the door and say "go potty" and they go out to play and potty alone.
In about another month should I start just sending her out alone while watching out a winder or something to get her use to this?
Do you have a fence? Where do you live. BB is over a year now, but I don't expect I would ever trust him to be alone with where I live (and legally I cannot with our town leash laws). My parents live in a more rural area and have a retractable leash they put their 8 year old English Mastiff to potty and return. But it took years for that training.
I would honestly have very little expectation that a 5-6 month old would have ANY capability of a completely independent potty break (without leash or fence).
The good news is that after a couple of months, potty times are significantly fewer, (depending on activitity, we take BB out for potty breaks 5 times a day?) and most are less than 5 minutes. This is taking into consideration he gets at least 2 thirty minute walks and a 30 minute run/exercise session a day...
Yes we have a fenced in yard. My 5 pound Yorkie was unable to get out so im sure this dog will be no issue. I do know by about 8 months my yorkie was able to be out in the yard alone because thats when we moved to our old house and it was fenced in as well. I think with her being the only dog now though being alone outside might take her longer to get use to. When I had my yorkies I had 2 so they would go out together.
We have a big enough yard that she can romp and play but small enough I can look out the door or window and be able to see her at all times unless she is behind the shed.
Maybe the end of March I will try to send her out for 3-5 minute spurts just so she is use to being alone outside.
I think you will see Cocoa gaining independence and just intuitively have a sense when she is ready to go out alone. I just want to assure you that when the baby comes, you will all be okay with this. Is this your first child? I wish you the very best.
That makes a world of difference! As Bonnie says, the independence will come, and I think the transition will happen fairly intuitively.
We have a fully fenced in yard and a doogie door. Our pup was out on his own by four months at the latest. It all depends on the yard situation you have.
I have been taking Trix out since we got her (she is now 10 months) however, I tell her to go and it only takes about 30 seconds. I don't have any children, so taking her out is not a big deal. However, in the past month I have started just opening the door for her and have her go on her own (my yard is fenced). She usually just sits right at the end of the porch, stares at the closed door and waits for me to follow her out - but eventually does her business. She doesn't get the concept of coming back to the door to ask to be let back in, so I often have to go get her. Which is why I find that taking her out a couple times a night for 30 seconds, is the better option for me.
Do you have a word you use to have her go? Since we've had her, I use "hurry up!" in a cheerful voice. She is on a leash and not allowed to play or go for a walk until she goes. I started by simply saying "hurry up!" while she went so she could make the connection. Then after a week or so - she got it! This will not really solve your problem of not having to out with her, however, it might dramtically shorten the amount of time it takes to take her out.
If you are asking how long until you can leave her out for her to run around, if your yard is fully fenced, I would start trying soon and see how she does! All the best for the month of May :)
We put in a doggie door when our pup was 4 months. She had no hesitation after that to go out on her own. She'll go out and lie on the grass in the sun for long stretches. She is now one year old and those early puppy months when she was so dependent are a distant memory.
My humble opinion. We have an 8ft. privacy fence with big windows in the living room looking out, and a slider to get out back. We got Bridget at 9 weeks. She is now 19 weeks. She started going out solo to do her business about 2-3 weeks after we got her. We do go out and play ball and spend time, but when she wants to go potty or just shake some indoor boredom, she goes to the door to go out. There have been no problems whatsoever. Now, maybe others have their opinions, but I am a stay-at-home busy Mom. I have four kiddos, only one at home during week days, but I have plenty to do around the house. I am glad she does well unattended. She gets a lot of family fun time outside, but I will be darned if I will go stand outside 1-2 dozen times a day waiting for piddle and poop. Ha! I think it is fine when you first get them. Bridget does well with this area. Good luck :)
Tricia, I have no kids and I do not want to stand outside watching while my dogs go out. With a fenced yard and a doggie door they are fine on their own. I do remember that we had to have our eye on Owen every single second he was out of his crate though. It's just amazing how much they change in a few short weeks. It will get better for Lindsey before she hardly blinks. ;o)
Bridget does well outside alone, so that works for me.:)
Awsome you guy are givng me hope. I was scared that I would get the die hard dog lovers that would say shame on me for ever wanting to send my dog out alone.
We have dogs on all sides of our yard and my yorkie use to love going out and socializing and they would all run the fence and play through the fence. So I am hoping once she is not scared of the other dogs she will want to go out and visit with her friends like my Bailey use to love doing.
I have a 4 year old so my other fear would be putting the baby in a bouncer or swing so I can let the dog out and the 4 year old picks up the baby and hurts him because I was to busy outside with the dog.
I am going to start wondering away from her as much as I can over the next couple weeks and maybe I can get her to the point where all I have to do is stand on the deck in a few weeks... then by April I can just open the door and shew her out.
We have chain link fence and most of it is 4ft but one side is 6ft because they have a rather large dog that is a jumper. Cocoa is only supposed to be 30-35 pounds full grown so I see no reason this fence will not work with her.
We have a fully fenced in yard, and Sammy was on his own outside at a little before 4 months.
He likes to collect sticks and does his business and play with the dog next door through the fence. We check on him every few minutes and depending on the weather (Chicago winter), he stays out for 30 seconds if it is too cold or 30 minutes if it is really nice out. When we first got him at 8 weeks, I would take him out all the time at all hours of the day and night on a leash, and as he had to go out less and less, we gradually just went out with him (no leash) and then finally let him do his own thing. He comes to the door when he is ready or we can call him and he will usually race right in (all muddy or not).
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