Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What are some activities you can do with your puppy before it has all of its shots?

Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but this is something I've been wondering about since I learned that puppies are limited in where they can go until they've had all of their immunizations. Ours will be coming home at end of May/early June, and I'm having difficulty imagining not being able to take him/her out on walks or other public places for much of the summer. I'm wondering what are some activities you CAN do or places you CAN go during this period? I'm looking forward to hearing your suggestions :-)

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I took Cally everywhere with me! Her feet just never touched the ground. If I took her to a pet store or something she would just be on a blanket in the cart or if we were out in public I would be holding her.

Great question! I just brought my puppy home yesterday and was wondering the same thing. 

We brought Enzo everywhere possible. I wanted her to well accustomed to people and everyday sights and sounds. And like Brittany said...her feet just never touched the ground. Just about the time, when it seems impossible to carry them around anymore, is when she got the all clear to " walk".
As tempting as it may seem, to hit dog beaches or parks, or even let others with dogs approach her, it is in her very best interests NOT to give in. I can honestly say, I had a few people who got very annoyed with me, that I wouldn't put Enzo down, for their dog to sniff and play. These were strangers to me and I had no idea if their dogs were vaccinated or not. Or if they were "fine", as so many told me.
Wow! Wonderful! I'm sure it will be challenging at times but I'm definitely going to do that.
I knew our neighbor dog was okay, but I didn't want Yogi on the ground, so I carried a large tarp over and put it on the ground so Yogi and the pup could meet. :-)
Just get creative. I also took him to a playground and just sat on a bench, of course all the kids stopped by to see him.
Great advice. Thanks!

Take him through the drive-thru!  Our walgreen's pharmacy even gives treats.  I have a bit of a caffeine habit, so the dogs also enjoy stopping by McD's for coffee or diet coke!

I took them out to visit friends or my husband's office in a backpack worn on my front.  Meet everyone you can.  I sat on a bench outside the orthopedist building to see older folks, wheelchairs and crutches.

Thank you so much Marie for the suggestions. I definitely like the backpack idea and meeting as many people as possible. I'm not much of a drive-thru person, but with all of the carpooling I do every summer w/my kids, I really hope the pup will get used to the car rides.
We got George in the winter, but we had people come over to our house. She got used to lots of people coming in and out and now doesn't get super excited and crazy when someone new comes in our front door. She does excite pee when someone she likes especially well comes in though. This summer we can't wait to have barbecues and people over to hang out in the yard, even though she can go places now we do a lot of things here. I still don't feel comfortable taking her to petco, she's only been once. It just worries me that you never know who you're going to encounter or where they're from or what they allow their dog to do. Kind of the same with busy dog parks.

I got Charlie in the summer.  Before he had all his shots, I still took him outside.  I just carry him all the time so his feet doesn't touch the ground or he doesn't go sniff around or chewing weird things.  It get him the socialization he needs.

This a great discussion. I am getting my puppy in a week-ish. Good idea to carry them every where!



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