Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was wondering if you take your puppy out and about with you. Where you take him/her and how old they are. Do they travel in a crate, strapped in or free surfin' in the car.

I want to get Hershey used to car travel and socializing but he's such a "Pac-man" everywhere he goes. I am just wondering how you all handle it. :-D

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How old is Hershey?

I only took Rosco to places I could hold him (before his vaccine series were all complete). He traveled in a crate in my car.

Once his vaccines were done or nearly done we went away for one weekend and stayed with family. We went downtown, to friend's houses, parks, dog parks, etc.
Hershey is 12 weeks and is current on his shots. He's been going to Pets Mart for his puppy classes for the last 3 weeks. The vet had said hold off on the dog parks until he gets his rabies shot and he gets that this week.
Hi Karol! I take Angel with me anywhere I know she'd be welcome. Mostly we've gone to parks, town squares, or pet stores/boutiques. I use a harness in the car with her. She's less nervous this way, especially when I have the AC on and one vent is dedicated solely to her. She's 12 wks old, but I've gotten vet approval to take her places.
I took Gracie to friend's houses early on. I did not take her to dogparks, pet stores or anywhere else other dogs were until her shots were complete per my vets instructions. After vaccines, we go everywhere that she is allowed, together. I kept her in a crate as a puppy to keep both of us safe in the car. I did take her on many short car rides so she would not dread the car. My other dogs think the car always means a vet trip so they are nervous in the car.
"My other dogs think the car always means a vet trip so they are nervous in the car."~ That's exactly why I want Hershey to be used to riding in the car, and going different places. I want him to be up for any adventure. :-D
Thank you for all the responses. :-D

I just want Hershey excited about car trips and new things. We had a dog that hated car rides and was very insecure in the car and meeting new people (he died last year at 13). So we really have a strong desire for Hershey to be confident in new surroundings and adventures.

So far he's showing great promise, and he's never met a stranger. He loves interacting with the puppies at his obedience classes, I want to keep that positivity up.
I take Maddy a lot of different places now that she has all of her shots. Before that I would take her to for a car ride to dunkin donuts for my morning coffee or to the drive thru at the bank...she LOVES going for rides and as soon as she hears my keys she gets up ready to go - lol. We have started taking her to the dog park..certain times of the day only when I know the dogs and owners that are there and she has been going to puppy kindergarten as well.
We've taken Webster to Home Depot and Lowes since he was little (he's now 4 months old). We would put a newspaper on the bottom of the shopping cart seat and he would ride around the store. He attracted a lot of attention and many of the store associates know him by name. We don't take him much anymore as he wouldn't want to stay in the cart and I don't want him walking around the store.

Webster never liked a crate so his "home" is our little bathroom. He used to ride on the center console of our minivan (between the drivers seat and passenger seat) but he's getting to big so now he stands with his front feet on the console and back feet on the floor. He's great in the car - the biggest problem is that he's learned a bad habit from his "big brother". Our 15 yr old golden ret mix, Cody, can't jump in the van easily anymore so he puts his front end in the van and I lift his back end. Webster thinks this is how you get in a van so he runs to the van door, puts his front legs in the van and waits for me to lift him the rest of the way.
So they didn't have a problem having a dog in Lowes and Home Depot? That's pretty cool.
We were told by another goldendoodle owner that she shops at Lowes so she can take her dog. She lives in another part of the state but we we called Lowes and asked & they said we could bring the puppy. One of the associates at Home Depot said that many people bring their small dogs in (riding in the carts) to help them get used to new sights and different people. I've seen people with adult (big) dogs at these stores but I don't know if I'll bring Webster once he gets big :-)

Here's Webster in his favorite "car seat".
We take Harlow to PetsMart and to the dog park (after vaccine series were complete). Unfortunately, Harlow is still a mega-drooler in the car. She is 5 1/2 months and rides strapped in the front seat for now. Many folks have assured me that Harlow will out grow the drooling and car sickness. So for now we take short trips to dog-friendly places and make sure we keep a bunch of old towels in the car.



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