Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Krista, Angel, and Toby
  • Female
  • Marietta, GA
  • United States
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Krista, Angel, and Toby's Friends

  • Kristen Savery
  • Phyllis Kandul
  • Sayde
  • Theresa
  • Gena, Wookie and baby boy coming
  • Bev loves Mac and Lucy
  • Shawn & Bella
  • Robin and Bella
  • Native New Yorker
  • Sue Z. + Finley
  • Amy Beth Baron
  • Jenn
  • Lesley, Wellington & Bingley
  • Dan, Judi, & Timbow
  • Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey

Krista, Angel, and Toby's Discussions

Safe Mosquito Repellent

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynne Fowler-Oodles of Doodles May 30, 2011. 15 Replies

Evanger's Super Premium Pheasant and Brown Rice

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dianne Carter ~ Trinity Doodles Jun 15, 2010. 0 Replies

Summer Lethargy?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Frannie & Callie Jun 8, 2010. 5 Replies


Take a Peek at an Angel (and a Toby, too!)

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baby development

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Comment Wall (224 comments)

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At 9:45am on February 3, 2015, Erin and Wrigley said…

Hi Krista!  Did your straight haired dog ever look anything like mine by chance?  The breeder swears mine will look like that but I'm having my doubts.

At 7:51am on June 23, 2012, Kristen Savery said…

Hi Krista,

Just saying Hi. We are a small Labradoodle breeder in Marietta. See our website at We are looking for a couple of good homes to place a Guardian dog. Read about the Guardian program on our site, but it means a free Labradoodle for the right home. Thank you, Kristen

At 9:56am on April 25, 2011, Lynda Kamrath said…
Yes, I guess dreadlocks would be the same as cording for dogs.  They really must have the coat for doing this.  My younger dog seems to have it.  You don't brush them and don't use conditioner, but there is a method of drying without using a hair dryer.  I'm giving it a try, but I am a newby.  My husband really likes brushing and blow drying so I don't know what will happen when I am away for over a week.  Just looked like Toby had the coat for it also.
At 9:58am on April 18, 2011, Lynda Kamrath said…
I just looked over your page and see that you are a teacher.  A couple of groups here at DoodleKisses that might be of interest to you is the Educators with Doodles group and the Multiple Doodles group.  Whoops see you are already in Multiple Doodles and the Doodle Grooming group.  Are you perhaps thinking of cording Toby?  His coat is very similar to my doodle's coat.  By the way, I hope there is a Dallas in Georgia.  Dallas, Texas is a long way to go to work, but with telecommuting these days, who knows!  Could you do telecommunication in education?
At 9:33am on September 2, 2010, Allyson, Peri & Taquito said…
Thanks Krista! And Toby is turning into a BEAUTIFUL dood! I love his coloring, size, everything! How are Angel and him getting along?
At 12:17pm on July 29, 2010, Redonna Irwin said…
Sorry, I meant Krista!
At 12:16pm on July 29, 2010, Redonna Irwin said…
Krist, your babies are beautiful! Thanks so much for your e-mail concerning having two pups. I am so excited to be able to join this wonderful group of Doodle owners! It will be official hopefully in November. : )
At 10:55am on June 29, 2010, Allyson, Peri & Taquito said…
Well I am so happy things are better - it will just continue to develop into a wonderful relationship! Really, two dogs are better than one. You may not say that right now, but give it about 2 months.....
Everything is good in my household. Tacky and Peri are just lovin' life - thanks for asking!
At 4:42pm on June 27, 2010, Dan, Judi, & Timbow said…
Oh, Riley is a little terror and pee factory too! heehee. The boys get along well, they just wrestle all the time. Timbow also steals all of Riley's toys (he wants to play keep away, but doesn't understand that Riley is still too little) so Riley has taken to chewing on the furniture. We need to get together so the big dogs and little dogs can play! :) Hope you're having a good weekend!
At 6:28pm on June 26, 2010, Dan, Judi, & Timbow said…
How is Angel doing with Toby?? I have the WWE brothers here. :-)

Latest Activity

Joanna and Luna commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"Luna is a F1 mini golden doodle that looks more like a mini golden retriever. Her dad was a 12 pound red poodle but you would never guess that looking at her"
Aug 19, 2019
Joanna and Luna joined Krista, Angel, and Toby's group

Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?

This group is for those of us with puppies or dogs who look far more like the Golden or Labrador halves of themselves than the Poodle half. This group is for us to recognize the Poodle traits that shape our dogs while sharing experiences.
Aug 19, 2019
suzanne farrell commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
Aug 6, 2019
suzanne farrell joined Krista, Angel, and Toby's group

Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?

This group is for those of us with puppies or dogs who look far more like the Golden or Labrador halves of themselves than the Poodle half. This group is for us to recognize the Poodle traits that shape our dogs while sharing experiences.
Aug 6, 2019
Michelle M joined Krista, Angel, and Toby's group

Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?

This group is for those of us with puppies or dogs who look far more like the Golden or Labrador halves of themselves than the Poodle half. This group is for us to recognize the Poodle traits that shape our dogs while sharing experiences.
Jul 13, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"Remi is adorable.  Here are two photos of a labradoodle we fostered.  When I saw her puppy pictures, I would not have thought that she would look doodley as an adult, but she does."
Jun 23, 2019
Profile IconInez, Barbara Burr and Holly joined Krista, Angel, and Toby's group

Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?

This group is for those of us with puppies or dogs who look far more like the Golden or Labrador halves of themselves than the Poodle half. This group is for us to recognize the Poodle traits that shape our dogs while sharing experiences.
Jun 23, 2019
Holly commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"Still hoping she’s at least straight hair/shaggy"
Jun 23, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"ANY generation can turn out looking more like a retriever. Pippa, below, is an F1B. They are mixes and they do not breed "true", regardless of generation. "
Jun 23, 2019
Barbara Burr commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"You were not explained about F 1 etc. F1 is first generation, F1B and up is what you wanted. They are second generation and up. F1 can turn out looking more Retriver."
Jun 23, 2019
Holly commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"Yea I feel like Remi is wider but very similar to pipper. While we love Remi no matter what I’m hoping you’re right and she will surprise us. We love the doodly goldendoodle look and was one of the reasons we got one. Thank you both for…"
Jun 23, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"I think Pippa is finer boned than Remi; Remi's muzzle is broader and the head is blockier, more like a Golden.  It does look like Remi has an open face, but I'm not sure. I think there is a chance she (he?) might get furnishings; that…"
Jun 23, 2019
Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"This is my girl Pippa as a 3 month old and at 3 years old. I think your puppy looks a lot like her in the face."
Jun 23, 2019
Holly commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"Is this picture better??"
Jun 23, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"It's kind of hard to see the fur on her muzzle; a clearer picture might help us see if there are any furnishings there. "
Jun 23, 2019
Holly commented on Krista, Angel, and Toby's group Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
"Hey all! Brand new to this website and a first time doodle mom. We are thinking our little Remi is going to favor the golden retriever side. Anyone ever had a puppy look like ours and grew up to be doodly?? "
Jun 23, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
I am a 27 year-old single teacher. I live in Marietta, but I work in Dallas. Hopefully next year I can work closer to home. =0)
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I now have Angel, a standard Goldendoodle puppy from Teri Fann of Angel was born 4/14/2009 of Monique and Cooper's litter. She is an absolute delight! She loves loves loves squeaky anything, especially tennis balls. The only things she loves more than squeaky things are her family and other dogs. She is definitely a dog's dog, but she is still a little timid around human strangers. Luckily, human strangers don't stay strangers very long.

The newest addition to the family is Toby, a moyen F1bb goldendoodle, also from Teri Fann, of His homecoming will be Saturday, June 12, 2010. More on his personality then! :)
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I've done oodles of research on doodles since the day I was introduced to the breed by a breed selector quiz. I thought they were the cutest things on four legs, and when I saw that they were generally terrific for allergy sufferers, well I was hooked so firmly the very idea of a different dog was laughable.

So I searched for reasonably priced, reputable breeders and found Teri Fann, of I currently await my first dog in over 12 years. (My first dog was born before I was and was a cockerpoo.)
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Playing tug/fetch, going for long walks, and going to the dog park are the favorite together activities. Angel just loves going anywhere in the car with me, too. All I have to say is, "You wanna go for a ride in the CAR?" for her to go berserk with glee. She even loves going to the vet!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Sometimes I bathe her at a self-serve bath; other times I have the groomers at Pet Supplies Plus bathe her and trim her nails.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Stuffed Squeaky toys
Squeaky tennis balls
Enzymes and Probiotics
Bitter Apple
Gentle Leader head harness
Elk Antlers (aka the never-ending dog chew)
Relationship Status:

Krista, Angel, and Toby's Blog

Moral: Don't be a Good Samaritan (or Better Train Your Dog to Come)

Posted on August 6, 2010 at 6:25pm 2 Comments

Ugh. So much for being a good samaritan. I tried to take a neighbor's dog home because the dog raced at my car and I was afraid of hitting said dog. Well, after a bit of maneuvering I got Angel, Toby, and Zero (my neighbor's dog) into the back of my Civic, took the dog home, and as I was getting Zero out from my car on Toby's leash, Angel jumps out and takes off with Zero before I could get him on leash.

They ran. They ran through grass. They ran through leaves. They ran through… Continue

The Little Things

Posted on November 24, 2009 at 3:54am 13 Comments

Yesterday, I bought Angel one toy: an over-sized squeaky tennis ball. It cost me less than two dollars, but you would thing I had just given Angel the best thing on the face of the planet. No joke, she played with that ball for FOUR hours straight, either by herself or with the occasional toss from me. And I am convinced the only reason she stopped is because she wore herself out.

She found her new best friend in that ball, and I think it even holds the importance to her as a blankie… Continue

So much rain!

Posted on September 21, 2009 at 12:00pm 9 Comments

You know it's weeks like this that make me wonder how Mrs. Noah ever kept the Arc clean with so many animals and so much rain! I just have Angel, and it's only been raining off and on for about a week but constantly for the past three days, yet my house is so NASTY despite my best efforts to keep it clean! Honestly, how did that woman do it?! I've been vaccuuming and steam-mopping daily, and yet my house still smells like wet dog and constantly has paw prints.

I'm about ready to… Continue

Back to work

Posted on August 10, 2009 at 6:53pm 5 Comments

Angel was none-too-happy with me today. Today was my first day back to work since getting Angel exactly 2 months ago.

According to Angel the day started out ok. We got up at 5:00AM, went for a walk, and had breakfast. While I showered, dressed, and primped, Angel chewed on her favorite hoof, and all was well. Until I started heading for the door. With my purse and keys.

Angel looked confused for a moment. After all, I hadn't put on her harness, there was no leash....but… Continue

Venting. Read at your own risk.

Posted on July 31, 2009 at 5:58pm 16 Comments


Good lord, I am pissed. I walk everyday with Angel. Every now and then a neighbor pops out to play with Angel because she adores her. Anyway, today said neighbor was playing with Angel when she pops in with the questions: "So where'd you get her again?" "How much was she?" (I lied about the price. She's hard on her luck at the moment, so I knew she wasn't interested in getting a doodle herself, so I told her $600.00 Who cares.)

She then tells me I am a horrible person,… Continue


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