First of all - Jasper just had another seizure! BUT we have achieved a LONG 7 week break WITHOUT ANY MEDICATION. We have gone from 4 days! to 4, then 6 and now 7 weeks breaks between seizures.
Here is what I am doing on the advise of Dr. Jean Dodds, one of the founders of GUARDING ANGELS website:
-2 months ago I changed Jasper's Diet to completely GRAIN FREE and only homemade, no more commercial products added
-due to his seizures nearly always happening in the early morning hours (LOW BLOOD SUGAR TRIGGER??), we changed his feeding times. Instead of just one big meal in the evenings, he now gets it split in 2 parts for an am and pm feed.
-6 weeks ago we started him on Epi-Still, a Herbal Native Remedy, based on Scullcap & Passionflower, which promote a stable and healthy nervous system. He gets 5 drops twice a day on his food. Jasper weighs 18kg.
-6 weeks ago we also started adding Taurine, an amino acid to support calm mood, to his food. 2 X 250mg per day. My Vet advised to give a break every 4 weeks for 6 weeks, so the body doesn't forget HOW to produce its own Taurine. So I stopped it one week ago.
-this might be not so important, but we spray Jasper's resting areas (and ours too now!) with Lavender spray for calmness.
I am not sure, if it is a combination of all those or just one product, but the seizures are getting further apart at this stage and todays seizure lasted less time, then the ones before! I am not sure, if todays seizure was triggered by the half cup of rice (leftover from our Dinner) I added to his last meal. He had been GRAIN FREE for 2 months????
Another strange thing happened: Yesterday morning Jasper suddenly stood in front of our bed at 4am! My husband goes"Oh nooo, not another seizure. Quickly give him some food to distract him". I quickly gave him some food, he ate and we all went back to sleep. No seizure. This morning at 5.30am Jasper again stands in front of our bed, looking at us the same way as yesterday and we are saying what a bad habit this is becoming with him wanting food before "wakeup time". Next minute he vomits and the seizure. I wonder, if I could have stopped this seizure, if I had given him food straight away again??? Did he seizure, because I stopped the Taurine a week ago???
So many questions. So little answers to this disease.
Kirsy, Jasper's loving Mom