Thanks for coming! We had over 20 doodles attend and saw old friends and made new ones. I put an uploaded photo album from Picasa of our pawtee. I think you can click on pictures and copy the ones you want. I also think that you can add your own photos to the album. This is my first try with this so do let me know if it doesn't work - and we can blame Gina who is an expert at it. I was unable to upload the album right here so it is in the comment section below.
Yahooooooo, I am getting excited about his get together! It has been quite a while for Gracie Doodle and she so wants to see a bunch of Doodles and see little Ned again. We hope to meet up with a member or two up in San Jose while there for Christmas. I'm saving all my quarters for the 28th!!!
Today was very very fun. I enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new people and many, many doodles. I took pictures and will get them in an album soon for all of us to look at.
I put all the pics I had access to together and I will upload to Picasa and maybe another site that has a little creative flare :) Hope it helps. If anyone has more to add, feel free to email's posted above.
Great work Marci. We two Nancie and Nancy's could not have done it without your help. I think we will just stick to photographing and let someone else upload a slideshow in the future!!! lol Right now we are having enough trouble learning all the fancy stuff our cameras can do! Thanks again for all your help.