Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • San Diego, CA
  • United States
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Heidi's Friends

  • Toulouse and Gigi
  • Sarah, Bruno & Dudley
  • Jolene Tompkins
  • Doris, Knox & Flash
  • Bear's Mom
  • Corey Price
  • Buddy & Bentley
  • Marci
  • Karen P
  • Zoey's Inspirations
  • Mary & Danny Hellyar
  • Frances Pendrous (Horan)
  • Camilla and Darwin
  • shelly
  • Linda and "Toby"

Heidi's Discussions

Does your doodle have happy dreams?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kendra K. Rhoton Feb 25, 2010. 7 Replies

How are all the East Coast Doodler's doing?

Started this discussion. Last reply by shelly Feb 13, 2010. 51 Replies

No Obstruction For Bear :)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Feb 6, 2010. 20 Replies


Welcome to Bear and Heidi's page.

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am married and a mother of 3 boys and a male puppy doodle. We love to go to the sand dunes and ride quads in the winter and enjoy the beach during the summer. My hobbies are making jewelry with fine silver, collecting sea shells, scrapbooking, camping, and watching my kids grow.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have a F1 Standard Goldendoodle named "Bear". My youngest son has a bearded dragon named "Pancake".
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I love the gentle golden retriever and the intelligence of the poodle. What a great mix, not to mention he doesn't shed, "so far". I saw one at brake stop when traveling to the desert about two years ago and I knew then, that would be my next pet if I were to get one. I researched and read a lot and saw "Kachi Bear" on Almond Blossom Doodles and new I had to get one soon. I found a local breeder, and while my "Bear" doesn't look like Kachi, I absolutely love my dog, his personality, and he fits in our family like he's been here forever. That's my happy ever after.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
He is just a puppy, so my favorite things so far are just playing with him and training him. He is very smart and catches on quickly. We can't wait to take him with us everywhere.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Looking for one!
Relationship Status:

Heidi's Blog

Molly the Owl (Not Doodley)

Posted on March 24, 2010 at 7:59am 14 Comments

I just want to share this. San Marcos is a suburb of San Diego, a man put an owl box in his back yard 2 years ago and an owl just nested in it. He put in a day and a night camera so you can see Molly all the time. The owner of the owl house has been on TV, does classroom visits over Skype as this turned into a real learning experience for him as well as his viewers. If you take a look at the website, during the evening and at night they are more active, but during the day they feed as well and… Continue

Send the Snow My Way!

Posted on December 31, 2009 at 1:53pm 7 Comments

The snow pictures are so beautiful! Every new pictures that came up was my new favorite. Please send a little snow to San Diego, because Bear and I want to play in the snow too. Have a safe and Happy New Year Doodle Friends.

Our First Doodle Romp

Posted on December 28, 2009 at 3:44pm 6 Comments

We went to our first Doodle Romp at the Laguna Canyon Dog Park today. We had the most wonderful time and met such nice people and doodles alike. We met up with three other doodles that came from the same breeder as Bear came from. Bear even had his first crush on a big girl name Frankie. (80 pounds 7 months old) Sorry Frankie, in the dog world that's cool to be big. He really liked her. I noticed when I was looking back at the pictures of Frankie and Bear, they were holding paws. I couldn't… Continue

Christmas Card Exchange Group "A"

Posted on November 15, 2009 at 6:17pm 1 Comment

If you haven't already joined, now is a good time. It is limited to 50 members.

Comment Wall (107 comments)

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At 5:36pm on April 25, 2011, Julie and Maggie said…
Hi Heidi! I got a confirmation today that I am #3 on the list for Bella and Max's next litter! Christy emailed me a couple pictures of previous litters. I wonder if one was Max? It sure would be nice to connect with you here on this board. We live in the Bay Area, but we found Christy through my aunt and uncle who live in Carlsbad with their Cooper.

Any bits of info or advice would be greatly appreciated for this very very newbie doodle mom!
At 7:33pm on November 7, 2010, Jolene Tompkins said…
Heidi so sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my Mom 5 years ago. Ellies parents are Sadie and Duncan. I have never loved a dog like I love Ellie. I can't stop giving her kisses hehehe she us si sweet. She is 5 months now and weighing 39 lbs. Take care
At 9:13pm on May 19, 2010, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
Glad you surfaced! I know the estate matters must be very time-consuming, and then having to do normal mother-duties for 3 boys, I'm sure there's very little time for this. My daughter is graduating in 10 days so I have been a busy tied up too! There has been one year-end school function after another and then several parties to attend or host, but it's all fun! She's so READY and I am too! I really expected to be more melancholy about her high school graduation, but I'm almost as worn out as she is, and I'm ready to experience the next part of her life -- college! Thanks for your sweet comment about Tahoe. He was our BIG BEAUTIFUL BOY!! Knox has big shoes to fill, but he's growing into being a good dog. Just alot of puppy still in him..

Enjoy your sons' end of school activities! Yay for summer! Take care!
At 11:38am on May 10, 2010, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
Happy Mother's Day, one day late! I imagine that it was a difficult day for you, but I hope you let your boys celebrate what a fanastic mom you must be! Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you!
At 5:22pm on May 5, 2010, Karen P said…
Hi Heidi, I hope all is going well for you. You are right the owlettes are kind of in that awkward teenage phase in the looks department. I can't believe they all fit in that little box. Thanks for the comments on Chewie. Hopefully he is about as big as he is going to get. He is 40 lbs now and is supposed to be a medium. I love your profile picture with Bear in sunglasses !! Very California.
At 5:59am on April 26, 2010, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
Good morning, Heidi! I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I can't even imagine the loss that you are experiencing, but I pray that you have the faith and love and support to ease the pain. My mom will be 80 next Monday and my dad is 81 1/2 and your comment reinforced the reality that I will be facing and that I need to cherish very minute with them. I'm sure it's difficult to get back to your routine now but I can only imagine how busy you must be with 3 boys! Do you happen to have one graduating this Spring? My daughter is and it's a crazy time around this household! For some insane reason, I thought I had time for a puppy! I guess I was anticipating the 'empty-nest syndrome' and needed to make sure I had a companion when she leaves in the fall, but finding the time right now for an energetic puppy like Knox has been difficult. Oh well...summer is coming and all this graduation frenzy will be over soon! My motto has been "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." It's a quote from Dr. Suess and can apply to so many things...
At 5:45am on April 26, 2010, Karen P said…
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. Things have been crazy at work and I have not had a lot of time to check on Molly, The babies are still there though and getting huge. They now have a camera on the outside of the box too. So for the nighttime there is usually a picture in picture from the inside and outside. I think they should still be there for awhile. According to Carlos, they will stay about 50 days after they have hatched.
At 12:09pm on March 28, 2010, Karen P said…
Yeah, Westley was born. One left to go !!!
At 1:00pm on March 26, 2010, Karen P said…
Hi Heidi,
I have been glued to my computer again today. Carlos was just speaking live and said that this story is going to be made into a children's book that will chronicle the story from beginning to end. He said that is should be available about 2 weeks after the babies leave. So something you might want to check into. It sounds really neat.
At 9:22pm on March 25, 2010, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…
Thanks for complimenting Ned = he is uniquely himself. The link wouldn't go directly and then we ran out of time. Tomorrow I am going to try to cut and paste it in google directly and see if it will work.
At 6:00pm on March 25, 2010, Karen P said…
I have seen her get up a few times and seen the babies, but they were all clumped together and I could not get a good look at them. I am doing the split thing also. Have you seen McGee yet? I haven't because it is too late for me. I live in Indiana and it is 8:00 here. I belive he does not come until after 11:00 your time. Maybe tomorrow night when I won't have to get up for work at 5:00 am.
At 4:46pm on March 25, 2010, Karen P said…
I am doing the same thing. I had it up minimized on my computer all day at work. Then whenever I heard her moving I would pull it up. Now I have it up at home and keep checking back. I am bummed too, because I missed the 3rd owlet hatching !!! How long has this been up for viewing?
At 11:57am on March 7, 2010, HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 said…
Hi Heidi,
Did you get to start Bear in his new Obedience classes, how is he doing.
Han&Hon St. Patty's Day
Build your own Blingee

At 11:46am on March 5, 2010, Corey Price said…
Hi Heidi! Yea I heard from them- they have golf Tuesday so they can't come. They are going to the So Cal Doodle romp so we will see them there for that! See you Tuesday! I don't think we said a time but i usually get there around 4:30 but can go later if that is better.
At 8:36pm on March 4, 2010, Corey Price said…
What about Tuesday? Unfortunately I have something Monday and Thursday next week. Yea Grape Street is a great park. It doesnt have an exact address it is just at the end of Grape Street. The closest intersection one block down is 30th and Grape Street. Here is a link to it on Google Maps.
At 12:46pm on March 4, 2010, Corey Price said…

Thanks fro the info I'll have to check out that group. We are downtown so we usually go to the Grape Street Dog Park near the Balboa Park Golf Course. It is my fave because it is massive but does have a fence, although a fence does matter to me. Dexter never runs off because he loves people and dogs so much he doesn't wander very far away from them. :) Anyhow yea we often go to the park weekdays usually around 4:30-5:00. Let's try to meet up one day next week...Wednesday? I can come up to Santee or you can come to Grape Street- either is fine. I'll contact the other doodle from christy's to see if they can join too!

-Corey (Dexter's Mom)
At 7:49am on March 3, 2010, Bear's Mom said…
Hi Bear and Heidi! Just wanted to drop in a hello from Samantha and Bear! They look so much alike! How Cute!
At 6:07pm on February 25, 2010, Heidi said…
Hi Frances,

I'm sorry I missed this one. The pictures show how much fun it was. I really wanted to be there but I had a cold and didn't want to share it with anyone especially the baby. I guess Bear will have to share Frankie girl with Gracie Doodle. He might like having two girlfriends. :) Did I notice that Frankie got a haircut? She looks beautiful. Bear had a haircut last month, he was beginning to matt and I was stressing him brushing him twice a day. Hope to see you and Frankie Girl soon. "Bear" Hugs to Frankie!
At 5:06pm on February 25, 2010, Frances Pendrous (Horan) said…
Hi Heidi. Missed you last Sunday at the Fullerton doodle romp. Hope all is well and hopefully we'll see you the next time. Frankie girl decided that Gracie Doodle was wonderful and those two had a blast. I guess they are at the age now where "boys smell" right? We also met Adina and her family including the new baby. What a little dolly she is. A lovely time was had by all but wanted to let you know that we missed you. :)
At 3:03pm on February 24, 2010, Linda and "Toby" said…
Hi, Heidi! Thank you so much for your compliment on my painting of Toby. And yes, I am getting a lot of inquiries about doing some commissioned pieces. Far more than I imagined! :) I may have time to do some commissioned pieces later this year. Bear has such a great face, he would be a GREAT one to paint!


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