Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all!
We’re going to be getting our Scarlett/Cooper puppy in January (yeah!!!) and are hoping to book our plane tickets soon. (We live in California.) I’m just a little nervous about whether our 9 week old puppy will be too tall to fit under the seat in the airplane cabin.

Does anyone remember how tall their puppy was at 9 weeks old?
We’re flying Delta and they said that the maximum height is 12 inches. So essentially the height of a piece of computer paper, plus one inch. ;)
Sorry to be such a worrywart! We just don’t want to buy our tickets, only to have our puppy get too big to go in the airplane cabin with us.

Thanks everyone!
P.S.- Here's a silly photo of Boo, the brother-to-be! (Note the crossed paws and the silly "stuffed Kong" moustache.)

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Sharon,

This is not a generic question as there are many variables...espcially the partucular pup selected....One of the big ones may not fit but one of the smaller ones would, that is if it isn't too leggy at that age....really to hard to gauge at this age....12" is pritty tall, I would think you should be fine....weight wise would be more my concern...:) Some of these guys are at or clost to 2 lbs already which could mean they may be 12-14 lbs at 8 weeks old....

just uploaded the new pics...enjoy!

Carol and the scl doodle crew.
I've been trying to chase Lily all day with a tape measure and then kept getting off task :) - imagine that! Finally got help from my daughter and Lily is currently about 18 inches from top of head to floor. She is 4 mos and a week... and weighed about 16lbs at her 4 mo. check up. At 8 wks. she weighed just over 7 lbs. Don't know if this helps, but I thought it might just give you some idea
You rock, Margo! Thanks for the info, and for chasing Lily around to get the measurements! Wish I could have seen that, hahaha!

And thanks Carol for the info. I realize that the puppy height thing isn’t an exact science, I guess I just wanted some feedback/reassurance from others before buying the tickets. The $1,000+ cost of tickets and other expenses kinda surprised me a bit, hahaha! But we want to make the trip home easy on the puppy, so its worth it. :)

Love the new puppy photos!! :)



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