Hi all! Due to "regular" teachers being layed off in the two districts where I work, there is zero work for me, a "sub". I'm hating that word at the moment. I've been a teacher for 9 years and will finish (with God's help) finally in May of 2010.
Any suggestions of what to do? I'll even settle for a "poor baby"! ;)
I've always had work the first day of classes. This is the first year I haven't.
Special Ed. almost always has some openings somewhere. I would go for a sp. ed credential if nothing else pops up. I would also sign up to sub as a teaching assistant. It will give you another perspective of the classroom. I think I would also look for library or office sub jobs. Our good friend is also a "professional" sub in two districts. She also is not getting the jobs - and she has been working between two high schools almost every day for years. I wish you lots of sicknesses in YOUR district - just not me or my hubby.
Does your district provide Home bound education for sick/injuried or pregnant students to be taught at home?
We use subs who are on the list to teach these kids. In some cases, the asignments last over the school year.
How about Charter schools?
Sorry about what is happenning.... I should not be complaining about going back to school...
Our district layed of many teachers as well.....
The Home/hospital idea as a good one. In our district they now use regular classroom teachers on an extended assignment - cheaper for them. In the old days our district had a teacher who's entire job was to teach the various students who were home/hospital bound for extended periods. At one time my husband held that position. He loved it - except for the student whose parents were in the living room smoking pot while he was teaching the child in the bedroom! I guess they thought he was "one of them" because he wore a ponytail and rode a motorcycle. He said that was very, very awkward!
Definitely going for special ed once I've completed student teaching and received my multi-subject credential. The times I long-termed for SDC/LH, I loved it! I'm also hoping to include my puppy in the 'mix' ;)
Nancy, LOL regarding "lots of sicknesses" and "just not me or my hubby". I hear ya! I just hope the laid off teachers are placed soon so I can get back to work. As far as the home-bound ed, I'll check it out.....that would be great.
Kyoko and Nancy, thanks so much for the advice......helps to have folk giving comfort and support....ALOT! All this and I'm having to take the new "TPAs" arrrrrgh! I've been given ONE chance to pass each of the two....if not, they'll make me start the program over! sigh...
I'm copying and pasting what it says....also including a link. I'd love to share with all of you what I've done so far to see if it sounds right. If you are willing, please send me your e-mail address privately.
As of July 2008, California statute (Chap. 517, Stats. 2006) requires all candidates for a preliminary Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credential to pass an assessment of their teaching performance with K-12 public school students as part of the requirements for earning a teaching credential. This assessment of teaching performance is designed to measure the candidate's knowledge, skills and ability with relation to California's Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), including demonstrating his/her ability to appropriately instruct all K-12 students in the Student Academic Content Standards. Each of the three approved teaching performance assessment models requires a candidate to complete defined tasks relating to subject-specific pedagogy, designing and implementing instruction and student assessment, and a culminating teaching experience or event. When taken as a whole, teaching performance assessment tasks/activities multiply measure the TPEs. Candidate performances are scored by trained assessors against one or more rubrics that describe levels of performance relative to each task/activity. Each model must also meet and maintain specified standards of assessment reliability, validity, and fairness to candidates. All candidates who start a Commission-approved multiple and single subject teacher preparation program as of July 1, 2008 must meet the teaching performance assessment requirement.
I really thought the TPEs were an assessment for entry into a credential program. Since California has a fifth year program for a credential (unlike many other states) this is to show that the candidate has basic skills that would make him(her) successful as a teacher. Am I all wrong on this?
You are not wrong. The TPAs are new this year. They involve the TPEs but are more. Due to having taken my classes more than seven years ago, they are giving me one shot to pass where they give all new candidates three times. It sucks....I will be sixty years old in October. I don't have time to start from the beginning so I have to pass. I'm scared.
I guess that I am stupid but the TPA's sound like student teaching evaluation - how can you be evaluated before you actually teach students??????? Are you taking a test or are you given a hands on class to work with an evaluator observing and grading? YOU have 9 years of teaching experience - passing an evaluation should be a piece of cake with all of your varied teaching experiences. Think about that and it should give you a confidence boost.
Kyoko, I agree and I've had a very bad attitude! That said, I have to do it and so I'm inching forward a bit at a time. What I need help with is the "official" language. I know what to do but where I could hurt myself is how I explain things. It's been years since I took the classes in what I call "eduspeak". This weekend I shall complete TPA#1 finally. Please say a prayer.
With the flu coming this year there should be lots of teacher absences once the year gets rolling. I know not a great thought but.... It is what it is.