Ok, so all of you veteran teachers, I need help. I have a student who is so rude, so disrespectful, so hateful that she makes my entire day ruined. She is a bully to everyone, including teachers and parapros. She is spoilt rotten: her mother has no control over her and gives her new cell phones literally every month, and NICE cell phones...like iPhone, nice. She point-blank refuses to do work, or if she does, she cheats, and if I call her on it, she argues until she is blue in the face that she didn't cheat, even after I stop responding. I've tried every method I can to get her to care, to no avail. Apparently, so has the parent. (Right.)
Ok. I can handle that. I've had one of those in every grade level since I started teaching. What I can't handle is the fact that I no longer have any support, especially with this child. For all her vices (which are not just seen in my class, but others as well based on the numerous complaints) the AP that she is assigned to refuses to do anything to her. It took a group effort and a stack of documentation to get her a single day of ISS. I also think that this particular AP slanders other teachers to this students' face based solely on a remark by this child. ("Mr AP is AWESOME!! I'd tell you what he said about you, but he told me not to tell!") Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but I honestly don't give the child enough credit for thinking of that on her own.
Anyway, I am moving schools after this year. The problem is, this particular AP is following me to that same school in the role of an AP. (Thankfully the child described above is not!) There's bad blood between us because he has failed to support me in a few other similar cases. How do I handle this? Thanks.