Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hello everyone!
We're having anal gland issues. I know, I know, the most boring and gross topic ever, but we'd really appreciate any help you could give us. I've included Oliver's background information below (sorry for the length), we've tried a lot of things, and are hoping for any dietary recommendations that our friends at DK can give us. Thank you in advance.
Oliver and Elizabeth
For the last year we have had to get Oliver's anal glands expressed by the vet every month to avoid a spontaneous gland expression in our house. However, for the last few months, even once a month hasn't been enough. At this point our--significantly revised--goal is just to be able to have monthly visits and no spontaneous expressions in between.
As his glands aren't infected or impacted, and the fluid is of normal viscosity, there isn't anything medically wrong with his glands (other than possibly a small duct or slightly abnormal positioning). Also, Oliver is very active, isn't overweight (33lbs). Basically, there isn't anything medically we can do to treat this issue other than surgery to remove his anal glands. At this point, we are not interested in getting surgery due to potential complications.
For about the last year and a half Oliver has been eating Acana Duck and Pear or Orijen Regional Red. When this problem initially started, we tried increasing his fiber by feeding him pumpkin or sweet potato, and giving him Pet Naturals Scoot Bars. This didn't produce any noticeable results.
Two months ago, after noticing that we needed to go to the vet more, we did some research and switched his food to Orijen 6 Fish to increase protein and Omega 3s. This also didn't produce any noticeable results... except that our house smells like fish. :)
Today's Vet Vist
Today, our vet recommended that we stop the Orijen 6 Fish because, while the high protein may produce small firm stools, she believes that Oliver needs more bulk to help in expressing his glands during bowel movements. She is recommending that we go on a lower protein formula with some healthy grains, basically, go back to Acana Duck and Pear (Washington State won't have the grain-free version for three months due to a labeling issue). Also, she wants us to add Benefiber to his diet. She thinks we'll still need to get him expressed ever month but she thinks this may help to avoid the dreaded spontaneous expression.
The only case I know of in which anal gland issues were resolved by changing foods was a case where the dog was developing severely infected anal glands, to the point that he had to regularly be put under anesthetic and the vet had to flush the glands and inject antibiotics into the sacs. In that case, the dog was switched to Royal Canine HP veterinary diet with hydrolyzed protein, and there was an improvement. It is the vet's belief that that dog has a sensitivity to many food proteins that was causing the infections. (I'm not recommending this, just giving anecdotal information.)
JD has been on Metamucil ever since his IBD diagnosis back in Dec. 2011. I've recently begun to eliminate it and the jury is still out on whether he'll do okay without it, but it was absolutely necessary for a while. He did not have anal gland issues, though.
I'm very glad your vet is not recommending Rx food and I think adding soluble fiber to one of the Acana Singles formulas sounds like a good plan to start.
Thank you for reviewing Oliver's condition, and appreciate the anecdotal information. Basically, we've just looking for dietary ideas and suggestions that have worked for others. We've been listening to traditional advice for a year so uncommon advice is welcome!
The allergy option is interesting, if going back to Acana Duck and Pear with Benefiber doesn't work, it's certainly worth pursuing. When the Acana Pork and Squash food gets to Washington I might give it a try.
Our vet likes to incorporate holistic ideas into medicine, so she doesn't push Rx food, but when she gives examples of foods that may be helpful to try they're often not high quality brands. She told me today that she's actually frustrated with the premium dog food brands for using multiple exotic meats in their kibbles because it's making finding novel meat sources impossible.
Did the Metamucil help JD produce more bulk when you were using it consistently? Also, how did you get him to eat it? Oliver won't eat the Benefiber I just bought!
Thank you again!
I mix it into mashed sweet potatoes, and then that's mixed with diced boiled chicken and all of it mixed with his kibble. But you can try just the sweet potatoes.
There are lots of novel single protein kibbles available these days. Rabbit, bison, venison, pork, kangaroo. It's really a shame that Natural Balance was sold, because they had the biggest selection. However, better than Rx.
Keep in mind that the Orijen Red contains wild boar, which is of course pork.
JD's stool is extremely bulky, and has been since he was diagnosed.I attribute it to the increased carb content of his diet. However, our problem is that it's never really firm. :(
Sweet potatoes with a touch of cheese worked! Thank you!
Ah jeez, I forgot about the wild boar, and he came home from the breeder on TOTW venison and bison. We're probably down to the super exotics. We might try it just because I'm scared of making the jump to rabbit/kangaroo and then loosing those proteins since he's only two years old.
I hope JD is able to stay healthy off the fiber supplement. Regardless, while I'm sure you would trade anal glands for JD's IBD in a second, it's lucky that you don't have to worry about those too. Sooo stinky... :)
Thank you for taking the time to respond. That's an interesting theory, and it certainly does seem that since we started getting them done the frequency has increased. Maybe we could try to limit the expression visits to before holidays and parties to avoid expressions around large groups of friends--which actually happened at friendsgiving last year... so embarrassing! :)
Thank you for sharing your experience--it's good to know that we're not the only ones! Thankfully, we've never had it happen in the car! We always know when it happens because Oliver also starts sniffing his backside and sometimes tries to lick it! We always rush to clean his bottom first so this doesn't happen! The smell is so awful, why do they want to lick it?! So disgusting!
We have 3 doodles but Sully is the only one with anal gland issues. He is now 3 and was perfectly fine until last year when we started having "the smell". We take him to the vet about every month to 6 weeks. When Beau starts to sniff Sully's' tush, we know it's time. He has been on Acana Wild Prairie for years. We do put Metamucil (regular) into his breakfast which seems to help. He's a couch potato but goes on daily walks and is not over fed. At this point, we've accepted that's just Sully and are glad it's only 1 out of 3. If you find a good resolution, please share it!
It was (unfortunately) not instant. I want to say it took about 3 weeks or so. It may depend on how much you use vs. the weight of the dog. The problem did not completely disappear but it's much better than it was. We put it in his breakfast (I don't want to chance it at night :) and during that meal he has just a little kibble and some low sodium green beans with, if it's the weekend, a little scrambled egg. He never notices the metamucil and gobbles it down plus with the green beans there is a high water content than with just kibble. Good luck!
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