Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oliver & Elizabeth
  • Female
  • Seattle, WA
  • United States
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Oliver & Elizabeth's Friends

  • Kristen Eric Lacey and Paisley
  • Lauren and Kona
  • Roxie, Jaxson & Petunia
  • Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau
  • Kathy
  • Anthony Leong
  • Seamus & Haidee
  • Chels*Claud*Midas
  • Julie, Boomer, Milo & Casey
  • William
  • Adrianne Matzkin

Oliver & Elizabeth's Discussions

Endosorb Before Vet Visit Tomorrow?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Oliver & Elizabeth Jun 2, 2013. 3 Replies

Good afternoon!On Friday evening Oliver started having diarrhea. As that was his only symptom, I gave him some rice and salmon to settle his stomach hoping it was just an acute bout. However, it's…Continue

Potential Doodle at High Kill Shelter in CA

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nicky, Riley & Boris Jan 24, 2013. 37 Replies

This 10 month old VERY CUTE red girl looks like a doodle but is listed as a Poodle/Irish Terrier she is at the Devore Animal Shelter in San Bernardino, CA. They appear to be a high kill…Continue

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Oliver & Elizabeth's Page

Latest Activity

Oliver & Elizabeth replied to Lisa Duarte's discussion Veterinary recommends Hills Science z/d diet - Due to anal gland issues? HELP!! in the group The Food Group
"We used to have anal gland issues with Oliver—lasting about three years. We were considering surgery and were having to get his anal glands expressed every three weeks. We then switched Oliver to Orijen Six Fish (previously Acana Duck and…"
Jun 29, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Oliver is a Miniature Labradoodle born on April 22, 2012.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
They are adorable, intelligent, and friendly!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Playing fetch, going to puppy class, and the dog park.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Favorite Doodle Products?
West Paw toys (Mingo the flamingo is Oliver's favorite), beef tendons, JW squeaky balls, and frozen treats!
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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At 8:42pm on October 24, 2013, Roxie, Jaxson & Petunia said…
Hi Elizabeth,
Funny that you just sent a message saying you hope we'll find Jaxson's litter mates someday because last weekend we did just that!! All purely by happenstance. Here we thought the only place we'd find litter mates was on this site and wouldn't you know that all the while one of his brothers was living just a few miles away from our home!! We just happened to be going for a walk in a neighborhood we're never walked in before and we came upon a couple walking their two labradoodles. After talking with them for a minute or so we quickly came to learn that not only was one of their dogs Jaxson's true litter mate but their other dog was one of Petunia's sons!! How unbelievable is that?!! What a small world it is sometimes. We've been keeping in touch with them and hope to make some time to get the dogs together for some play dates.

I would love to meet up sometime. Thank you for the offer! My sister lives just north of Seattle and once in a while we make the trip up there to visit. It would be a lot of fun to meet and have the dogs all meet too! :).

I will send some puppy pics of Jaxson soon. Sorry, I dropped the ball on this. I'm not at my computer at the moment so I'll try to get that sent tomorrow. :)
At 3:07pm on October 11, 2013, Roxie, Jaxson & Petunia said…
Wow! I'm amazed at how similar Jaxson and Oliver looked at that age! The entire litter looks similar to Jaxson's in fact. I'll work on sending you the ones we have. I wish I would have taken pictures the day we were at Kim's for selection. But as you well know it is a flurry of puppies running around and it probably wouldn't have been easy.

There was one boy who had wavy hair, kind of similar to the boy in your pics. He was so very attentive to me and was one of our three selections. The other one was a red girl. I often wonder about these two in particular...where they went and who got them. I have never come across any of Jaxson's litter mates. I was hoping to find at least one of them on this site but so far, no luck.

You had a lot more patience with the cries in the crate when you brought Oliver home. I lasted all of about 5 minutes and ended up letting Jaxson sleep between us. He calmed down immediately. However, as he grew and became more adventurous it wasn't so easy to keep him in the same place on the bed which scared me for fear he would fall off. So we tried the crate again by putting him in it and putting the crate between us on the bed and soothed his cries by sticking our fingers through the door. This worked like a charm and step by step we were eventually able to first remove our fingers from the door, then move the crate further down the bed, then move the crate to a raised platform next to our bed and eventually to the floor where he happily sleeps every night. it wasn't a quick process but it worked. Now Petunia and Jaxson each sleep in their own crates in our room. We don't have much of a choice in regards to having them on the bed with us as we only have a queen bed and the two dogs would leave very little room for us...haha.

Is Oliver's fur super soft? I'm just curious because Petunia has soft curls but she has some fairly rough fur that runs down the lower part of her back. Jaxson is extremely soft all over. I think that's Soupy's genes coming through. Oliver looks soft just like Jaxson.

Thanks for sharing your pictures. I'll send some soon :)
At 7:31pm on October 9, 2013, Roxie, Jaxson & Petunia said…
Thank you for sending a picture of Oliver....what a cutie!! I too can see very clear resemblances to Jaxson in him. Their coloring is exactly the sweet! I have no doubt that Petunia was a good mother. She tolerates a lot of Jaxson's puppyish play. This is so very special to see some of Petunia's babies! And I love how my two and Oliver are all connected. I would love to see more pictures of Oliver and even the picture(s) you have of the litter he came from. I wish I had done that with Jaxson's litter mates. We had an incredibly hard time picking from the litter. I could have taken them all!! We originally wanted a red girl and ended up with an apricot boy...haha. You just never know where your heart will take you I guess.

I agree with you that it was a good thing for Petunia to go to a loving home rather than staying in a home with so many dogs. I know it was hard on her for a while but in the long run I believe she will be in a better place and get the attention she deserves, loves and craves.

Give Oliver some hugs and tell him that's from his doggie Mama..haha. :)
At 9:42pm on October 7, 2013, Roxie, Jaxson & Petunia said…
Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you for contacting me. This is so cool to see how Oliver is related to both of our dogs! I too think that Oliver and Jaxson look so similar. I can see the Soupy in both of them. I can also see Petunia in Oliver as well. It's good to know that if we had not adopted Petunia, she would have had a great home with your mom. She is just the sweetest dog ever and has brought a lot of love and fun into our family. She's had quite an adjustment to make after leaving the only home she's ever known for nearly five years. She we very timid and unsure of her place in our family for quite a few months, but was always on her best behavior and very sweet and always very respectful of Jaxson, even though he pulled all the normal puppy behaviors on her. She tolerate it well, just like the mommy pro she is! I'm happy to say that she is in a very different place emotionally now and has really turned a corner in the last few weeks and is letting her inner playfulness come out. She's turned out to be a real mama's girl and loves above all else to just sit by my side and be petted all day..

Oh, and by the way, Petunia's stats had her listed at 22 lbs, but the reality is, she weighs 27 lbs. We were under the assumption that she was 22 lbs, so we were surprised whe we got her that she was actually 27 lbs. I don't think they had bothered to update her bio for quite a while.. She by far outweighs Jaxson by 10 lbs. as Jaxson was one of the smallest from his litter, in contrast to Oliver being one of the biggest in his..

I would love to see some recent pictures of Oliver if that's a possibility? He is adorable and I can so tell he is related to both Jaxson and Petunia

At 10:35pm on August 5, 2013, Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau said…

She offered for me to return the green one, and she would refund my money - but I told her it was fine, I would just keep it.  By that point I had already used it (a new green being slightly better than an old green), and plus they do wear out fairly quickly.  

Yes, having a great time so far this summer and hope you guys are as well.  Mat free ... well, I'm not sure about FREE ... but we are making a valiant effort.  This past weekend Lola found a giant puddle of mud to bathe in, then as soon as she was done she ran through a field with a bunch of burrs of some kind.  Then she realized what was stuck all over her and wasn't so happy about it - or me picking them out one at a time.  In any case, we have an appointment at the groomer on Wed. so hopefully we will be okay!

At 9:46pm on August 5, 2013, Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau said…

Yes!  I forgot to tell you ... sorry.  She could not locate the matt zapper, but she was able to find a small purple brush and she sent it to me.  Which is great - MUCH better for Lola than the green.  She also sent a couple of different toys and gadgets, which was very nice of her.

At 3:47pm on May 23, 2013, Amy, Cubbie & Ollie said…

thanks Elizabeth.  I'm glad your dog walker is working out for you.

At 7:03pm on January 10, 2013, Anthony Leong said…

I got the only female available from Ruby & Soupy litter.  My puppy will arrive next Thursday night.

At 3:52pm on December 31, 2012, Kathy said…

Thank you, we would appreciate that!

At 8:52am on October 22, 2012, Seamus & Haidee said…

hello!! seamus is getting bigger and bigger every day. he is 16 weeks old and weighs 18 lbs! he is such a dumpling and the vet said he will begin his growth spurt now!! :)



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