Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Oliver & Elizabeth Jun 2, 2013. 3 Replies 0 Favorites
Good afternoon!On Friday evening Oliver started having diarrhea. As that was his only symptom, I gave him some rice and salmon to settle his stomach hoping it was just an acute bout. However, it's…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nicky, Riley & Boris Jan 24, 2013. 37 Replies 0 Favorites
This 10 month old VERY CUTE red girl looks like a doodle but is listed as a Poodle/Irish Terrier she is at the Devore Animal Shelter in San Bernardino, CA. They appear to be a high kill…Continue
Oliver & Elizabeth has not received any gifts yet
She offered for me to return the green one, and she would refund my money - but I told her it was fine, I would just keep it. By that point I had already used it (a new green being slightly better than an old green), and plus they do wear out fairly quickly.
Yes, having a great time so far this summer and hope you guys are as well. Mat free ... well, I'm not sure about FREE ... but we are making a valiant effort. This past weekend Lola found a giant puddle of mud to bathe in, then as soon as she was done she ran through a field with a bunch of burrs of some kind. Then she realized what was stuck all over her and wasn't so happy about it - or me picking them out one at a time. In any case, we have an appointment at the groomer on Wed. so hopefully we will be okay!
Yes! I forgot to tell you ... sorry. She could not locate the matt zapper, but she was able to find a small purple brush and she sent it to me. Which is great - MUCH better for Lola than the green. She also sent a couple of different toys and gadgets, which was very nice of her.
thanks Elizabeth. I'm glad your dog walker is working out for you.
I got the only female available from Ruby & Soupy litter. My puppy will arrive next Thursday night.
Thank you, we would appreciate that!
hello!! seamus is getting bigger and bigger every day. he is 16 weeks old and weighs 18 lbs! he is such a dumpling and the vet said he will begin his growth spurt now!! :)
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