Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It was highly recommended to me but I would rather hear some opinions through this site before I believe it.

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I'd have to do more research, but the website really turned me off immediately because it's filled with lies and misinformation about the nutritional benefits of raw food, and that makes me skeptical about the company in general. 
What are you currently feeding and why do you want to switch? 

Getting new puppy on Saturday so I’m trying to decide on a food. Breeder feeds Life’s Abundance and I’m going to transition. I also am considering Fromm puppy food.

Okay, so you must keep the puppy on the breeder food for at least two weeks after he/she comes home. That's going to be tough, because L.A. is sold thru a pyramid scheme and it may be difficult for you to get just one bag. It's not sold in stores, and the breeder will usually try to get you to sign up for auto-shipments. This is really something you need to discuss with her. Once you sign up, it's extremely hard to cancel.
I would not go from Life's Abundance, or any kibble, let alone one that contains grains, to a raw diet with a puppy. Your macronutrient percentages are going to be way, way different from what he is used to, and that could cause major digestive upsets. Fromm would be a better choice for the first few months. You can always go to a raw diet later if you want. 
If I knew which L.A. formula she is feeding, I could make a recommendation on which Fromm formula would be best for transitioning. Do you know? 

She feeds the puppies the All Stages formula (not brain free); however, I ordered the large breed puppy so that’s what I have available. I already cancelled auto ship. I notified the company and the company rep by email and cancelled my PayPal auto pay and sent the company a copy of my PayPal cancellation . . . 

Well, Fromm makes 2 large breed puppy formulas, one with grain, one without. However, although the labels say they are for dogs over 50 lbs, the "large breed" formulas are really intended for the giant breeds, those who are expected to top 90 or 100 lbs as adults and who don't reach full skeleton growth until well into their second year. The "large breed" formulas contain less fat and calories so you have to feed more. So you might consider one of Fromm's regular puppy formulas, or even one of their ALS Four Star formulas.  

Will do! Thanks Karen!

As far as the quality goes, they claim North American sourcing, name their suppliers, and their manufacturing facility, so that all sounds good.
However, every single thing they say on the website about enzymes and amino acids is 100% incorrect, and that makes me think either they are nutritionally ignorant or they are trying to fool someobdy. 

I also see that they had a voluntary recall a year ago for possible listeria contamination. 

They're owned by a meat processing company, Morasch Meats. So this is probably very profitable for them and the pricing ought to be lower than the better known brands. I don't know if it is. 

it is if you buy in bulk. I haven’t priced a lot of the Ross food brands so I’m not really sure how it compares. And as to the website info – I would be betting they know about nutrition and the rest is unfortunate marketing hype . . . Sigh . . . 

Thank you for all the information Karen!

I have. But my dogs didn't like it. 



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