Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know I could just message Karen but thought some others might be interested in the answer. My first question is, how do you know what the proper full weight should be on this beautiful boy? Is there some kind of "model" used to determine based on size (height) etc. So then let's say it is determined a healthy weight should be about 65 to 70 pounds based on size, do you just feed them the recommended amount for the size they SHOULD be or do you give them more and taper down. I dont think Buzz is very underweight at 61 pounds but his frame is still so skinny. I assume the gain should be gradual but should I be giving him some extra? He would certainly eat it...he woofs his food so fast like he is starving. Vinnie (amazing foster Mom) sent him home to us with the special bowl that slows him down but he still eats way too fast. Oh and negative on worms in case you were wondering. Thanks much.

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Here's the body condition "scoring" chart:

Your vet is usually your best resource for assessing your pets weight and body condition.

I would not be concerned about putting weight on a dog who is slightly thin. It's not unhealthy or harmful, and time will usually take care of it. It won't hurt to give him a little extra food at each meal, but it's always better for weight gain or loss to be gradual. Maybe use the feeding guidelines for a 65 lb. dog.

I'm also glad he doesn't have worms. :) 

Me too...ick. Thanks for the info. I think he is already looking/feeling so much better! What a love :)
That really helps. I would consider him somewhere between thin and moderate. bay is clearly stout and its a good thing Buzz came when he did to give her good workouts :)

We had a foster who ate faster than you could stand back up after setting the bowl down and releasing them to eat!  We used a slow bowl and put little balls in it to slow down even more. 

Clancy, our adult rescue is a chow hound, but nothing like the foster was.   Clancy weighed 55 pounds when we got him from the rescue.  He bulked up to 65 pounds.  We just fed him what we thought a proper portion was and once we realized he would eat forever and was a bit too heavy, we adjusted his portion down a bit so that he weighs a couple of pounds less.   We happen to feed our guys a high calorie grain-free kibble so their portions aren't as big as grained kibbles.  You can use peanut butter for added calories  if you think he needs a bit more.  We use peanut butter when we give meds or Evening Primrose oil and let them lick the 'extra' off our fingers.

Nancy, good yo know. We started Buzz on a grain free diet as well. He eats 1 1/2 cups twice a day with 1/2 can of wet food and sometimes the carrot/apple pulp from my juicer...Bay has always loved that added in! He seems to be bulking up a bit. We will do our Sunday weigh-in tomorrow. Im betting he has put on at least 2-3 lbs already. In just wish he would slow down. I do worry about the way he takes treats from the hand. He is somewhat rough and has caught my hand on occassion. I need to break him of that as I have young neices and nephews who would not be too happy, although I have no intention of letting them give him treats right now but it could be a stealing situation I am most concerned about. I think I need to post in training group for advise on this. I need to break it sooner than later. Thanks again.

Are you asking him to sit before he gets a treat? That's one of our rules here. 

Yes. Always.



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