Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay, our puppy arrives home next month and I have been staying clear of the food group lately as it is raising my worry level over food and tummy issues.  So, I thought, there surely are folks out there with a positive experience?  Raise your paws and respond here if your puppy has never had long-term tummy issues, and tell me if you have a goldendoodle or a labradoodle.  Also, which food do they eat? Just looking for some reassurance - thank you!

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Hi Texas Doodle Mom,

Congratulations on the new baby, enjoy,enjoy,enjoy and not to worry.  My puppy is 17months old, a MGA Labradoodle.

She has never had any tummy issues.  She was on the food the breeder gave her until a year then I very slowly changed to Orjen, she also gets some table food and raw freeze dried and no problems.  However, slow is the secret, very slow.  

Good luck, just wanted to let you know there are some strong tummies too.

Kate and Breezy

THANK YOU!  Good to hear =)  Our puppy is a MGA Labradoodle too, and I plan to use Orijen.  He/she will come to me on Life's Abundance.  Do you think waiting a year to change helped, or that was unrelated?  I thought I'd change earlier on.  Love to know there are strong tummies out there.

Personally, I would switch off LA ASAP, which would be 2 weeks after you bring him/her home.

And make sure that you don't get signed up for "autoship" on the L.A. food, it is very hard to get out of that. 

Definitely!  I was aiming for switching at two weeks, gradually, and keeping some pumpkin on hand if we have issues. 

I mixed in a tablespoon or two of pumpkin at each meal during Ragley's transition and there were zero poop issues!

Ragley has never had any long term tummy issues! She is a goldendoodle, eats Orijen puppy food. She did have one small bout of diarrhea over the winter, but a day of fasting and then a week and a half of home cooking fixed it right up! 

Great news!  Thank you, Stephanie =)

No major tummy issues here. Only when they eat something they're not supposed to:) I have 2 goldendoodles. We use Acana and they do very well on it. Good luck to you.

A lot of the "tummy" issues you hear about in puppies are not due to food but rather to giardia, a parasite that they often have when they come home from the breeder. Since it has a 10-14 day incubation period, it doesn't always show up right away. 

JD never had any digestive issues until he was almost 7 years old, and he was on Orijen.

I am amazed at the giardia stories I'm hearing, and feel terrible for the puppies enduring it.  I grew up around rivers/streams and remember all the cautionary tales regarding giardia (in humans) and never contracted it myself. 

Enjoy your new puppy.  My Minka is a 15 month old Goldendoodle.  I too was worried about what to feed and wanted to get 'good' quality food that we could still afford!  The breeder feeds her dogs Pro Pac and sent us some.  Our local pet store sold it for awhile but then we had to buy it on line.  It never bothered my pup and we switched her over to the adult version a few months ago.  Our pet store stopped selling Pro Pac many months ago so we had to start ordering on line.  Now we can't get it on line either without having to pay huge shipping fees.  So after researching the Food Group recommendations have just started her on Blue - Large Breed Adult Food.  To early to tell but I hope she won't have a problem with it.  My pet store sells the Blue, for now anyway! 

By the way we also have a Golden Retriever who is 16 months old and from the same breeder.  Neither have had any problems with the food that we have given them.  He needs the Large Breed and since my doodle is almost 60 lbs, she gets it as well.



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