Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a 15 week old goldendoodle that weights 15 lbs. She is on Orijen puppy food. I have been giving her 1/2 cup 3x a day but she never finishes all of it. Right now I don't put food toppers on her kibble, I really don't want to start that habit. She has been to the vet and is gaining about 1 pound a week. He said she is growing fine but she is really bony. I've been giving her 1 of those dried chicken strips per day and 5-10 small training treats a day. (I don't have the brands on either, I threw the bags away) What can I give her to put on a bit of weight? I'm not sure if I'm giving her enough food / treats. I'd love to know how many treats you guys give your dogs per day, what brands and types of treats.


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You could always stuff a kong with peanut butter. There is almost nothing more calorie dense than peanut butter.

I'm with Karen...dont worry about your dog's weight unless your vet has stated she NEEDS to gain weight. Let her enjoy her own appetite whatever it may be :)

I agree with Adina. Tara was a little stick dog at that age. Every time she got wet I was horrified!! It wasn't until her growth rate slowed down that she beefed up a bit! Now at 3 years old I have the opposite problem-I have to watch that she doesn't gain too much weight!

Have you considered that she may not like her food?  Have you tried switching it?

That's the path toward creating a picky eater, switching foods because the dog "doesn't seem to like it." In time, she won't like any food. You can't keep switching foods because a picky eater gets tired of it. She's only 3.5 months old, frequent food changes are not a great idea in such a young dog. I would leave well enough alone.

Orijen is as good as kibble gets, and if it agrees with her digestive system, I would strongly suggest staying with it. Once she's on an adult formula, you can rotate for variety.

Dakota was a skinny mini kid too. He was bony until he was about 15 months or so then he started filling out nicely and climbed up to a muscular 80 pounds.

Good to know that other people had skinny doodles that turned out strong and healthy. :)

 I Have a 15 week old Goldendoodle who is 11lbs. She is fluffy and squarely built but skinny underneath. She picks at her food-the food she was eating at the breeders-and we give her 1/2 cup three times a day but she never finishes it. I do add 1tbs of wet to it as well but still no go. the vet has said she is a good weight and healthy so I am willing to trust him for the time being. I'd wait and see how she grows.

Went to the vet today. She is 16 weeks and 16 lbs. The vet said she is on the thin side but within the normal range. She is consistantly gaining one pound per week so he said not to worry about her weight. He suggested putting a little bit of hot water in her food. I tried that with her lunch today and she ate all of it. I got some healthy treats and have been giving her a few per day. The vet said she will probably be around 35lbs full grown. That is nowhere near her parents 55 and 65lbs but I'm glad she's not going to get too big. He said I could cut down to 2 meals a day any time now. I'm a little hesitant to do this right now. I may wait a few weeks.

On a completely unrelated note, she has a yeast infection in her ears. The vet gave me drops to put in her ears.

I think it sounds like she is doing well and your feeding plan is a good one.

Ear infections are common in poodles and all poodle mixes. Perhaps her appetite will improve with the infection gone, too.

Ear infections are common in goldens, too, so goldendoodles have a double whammy with it.  Does your pup have furry ears canals?

Yes, the vet pulled out a bunch of fur today. He said to have her ear hair cut or pulled when I have her groomed. I have not had her groomed yet. She is pretty shaggy and unkempt looking so I will probably take her soon. When I'm done with the ear meds.



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