Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Trudy Harlow has not received any gifts yet
Posted on June 18, 2012 at 10:46am 11 Comments 0 Favorites
We have now been on RMB for nearly 6 months and Paddy is doing extremely well. Last year at this time, he had had one long, continuous ear infection -- we'd get it treated and cleared up, then as soon as we finished the treatments, we'd be back at the vet's with another one. This year, since January, he has had only one ear infection, and that was in, I think, March. Yes, he still itches pretty regularly, but he has no hot spots, very little discoloration on his feet and around his mouth,…
ContinuePosted on March 8, 2012 at 3:59pm 23 Comments 1 Favorite
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post this follow-on to my blog about switching Paddy to RMB.
It's been a mixed bag, but mostly good. He still has some itching -- although, prior to all the trees bursting into bloom here (and my starting to sneeze continuously), his itching was markedly reduced. In fact, it had all but disappeared. With the tree pollen -- which he did not react to on the allergy test we had done last year -- he is itching a lot, especially on his face, and he has…
ContinuePosted on March 1, 2012 at 12:39pm 12 Comments 0 Favorites
As Paul Harvey used to say, "And now for the rest of the story..."
Early this year, through the Raw Feeding group on this website, I ran across the Yahoo Raw Meaty Bones discussion group. I joined and "lurked" for a while, reading the posts. I have to say, I was totally intimidated by the idea of switching Paddy to a diet of nothing but meat and bones. Like most dog owners, I was raised on the idea that bones, especially chicken bones, are bad for dogs. So how could he eat them…
ContinuePosted on February 29, 2012 at 5:53pm 21 Comments 0 Favorites
Paddy and I have taken a long, circuitous route to get to this point. When he first came to live with us, at 8 weeks old in 2008, he was on some premium brand puppy kibble, and he graduated from there to the adult version. I was careful to give him grain-free, quality kibble. After feeding Purina One to my last dog, it was a revelation to me -- all the new, organic, healthy kibbles were just amazing.
We stuck with this diet for two years. And then, in the midst of my sister's…
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We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
Trudy, I noticed that paddy tyested positive for dust mite allergies. Dust mites allergies cause very serious reactions in humans, often producing asthma attacks requiring hospitalization, and in dogs produce the kinds of allergic reactions you are seeing in Paddy. This could very possibly be the cause of Paddy's itching and ear infections. My Jack tested positive for both types of dust mites as well as storage mites, and his immunotherapy has completed controlled this without drugs or side-effects. I thought you might like some information from the veterinarian's website:
What's interesting is, as they mention in this article, this has happened to dogs because of their being domesticated as indoor pets. So prehaps even more than food, this is a case of dogs developing diseases that their ancestors did not have in the wild.
Wow, Nancy -- but I've seen other doodles treated this way. Sometimes it seems the groomer has tried to get rid of every last little mat (which can require a severe shave like this). I really, really hate the way the head looks, and I see a lot of doodles done this way by groomers who just don't know what to do about a doodle. That's why I trim Paddy's head myself. The good news is that this pup's coat will grow out and you can rectify the situation!
Thanks for encouraging me to submit Paddy's picture. You know, I don't fuss over him (other than his health -- he has eating issues [not interested a lot of the time] and allergies) like many of the other folks do on this board, so I just assume he's not the "beauty" type of dog the calendar might be interested in. I guess no harm in giving it a try! Also, the quality of these pictures may not be up to snuff. I don't own a really good camera right now -- at least, I don't own one with a fast shutter -- so it's hard to get quality pictures of Paddy.
Nevertheless, I'll see if I can find the calendar entry info and send a couple of these along....If you have the info, I'd sure appreciate it.
Thanks for all your nice comments!
Welcome to DoodleKisses Trudy...
I just love your photos of Paddy!
What a cutie he is.
Sasha sends Great Big Doodle Hugs to her new friend...
You're going to love it here... Enjoy!
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