Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Emma is now almost 14 months old. I had been feeding her Orijen, but switched to California Natural lamb and rice kibble, to which I usually add a little canned as well. I was concerned about the high protein level in the Orijen (and some of the other premium foods), but the California Natural has less. Her poops seem to be very soft and it seems that I'm always checking her tush and needing to wash her, which she absolutely hates me to do! I've read on this forum about pumpkin (which I've done), and also the clay, but I don't know if that's something you need to do forever? I'd appreciate any suggestions, guidance, etc. I know that Dianne Carter talks about digestive enzymes which I've never used and also wonder if that's something you use for each feeding, forever? Thanks, all.

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I am feeding Fromm's and this has helped firm up both dog's stools. Certain treats like too many puppy dog biscuits, etc. can cause softer stool as well, though so you have to keep an eye on treats and see how they affect your dog.
Diane, what else does Emma get throughout the day? Treats, people food, peanut butter in Kongs, etc.?
I know that Adrianne had good results with the clay, but I personally would not use that except in cases of illness, which is its intended purpose. Giving a dog a substance which was designed for exceptionally ill dogs undergoing chemotherapy when there is really no illness just doesn't make sense to me. I think you save the "big guns" for situations that call for them. The body's natural tendencies to maintain an even keel (homeostasis) will often cause dependency on a product to keep itself regulated...this is what happens when humans take laxatives too often, for example.
The pumpkin, I would also prefer to save for periods of diarrhea & illness. A healthy dog should not be needing diarrhea remedies on a regular basis.
At 14 months old, there is no reason to be afraid of high protein content in dog foods. Many people subscribe to a RAW feeding program, where the dog gets nothing but animal protein, ever, and they do just fine; in fact, their owners would tell you that they are healthier than any other dogs.
I would stop the canned food. That could very well be contributing to the soft poop. I would try the Orijen again, and give it 5-7 days after Emma is on 100% that point, you should have very solid poop. Make sure you are not giving any treats that contain wheat, corn, etc., and stay away from yogurt, peanut butter, and other soft foods for now. I would stick with jerky-type treats, tendons, bully sticks, etc., and avoid biscuits of any kind for now. Any people food you give should be solely animal protein (i.e. meat, fish, or chicken) and fruits or veggies.
I always thought that Jack required rice in his diet to keep his poop firm; he only poops on his 2x a day walks, so it is very important to me to have poop that is easy to pick up. When I switched to the Orijen, on his specialist's advice, it took 4 days for his poop to become so firm & well-formed I could almost pick it up with my bare hands. I have found that when I alternate between the grain-free Orijen and Fromm's or NV, which contain rice, oatmeal, etc, we have bulky soft poop again. My conclusion from this is that dogs can tolerate certain healthy grains such as rice, barley, and oatmeal, but it does require some extra work on the part of their digestive systems, and switching between grain-free and foods with grains does cause some variation in the poop.
The digestive enzymes help with the digestive process, but I don't know if they will cause poop to become firmer. Again, just as we should not need anything other than our normal diets to have well-formed stools, neither should our dogs, on a day to day basis.
I am sure others will have varying opinions, and I want to state that there is absolutely nothing wrong with feeding products that contain healthier grains...this is my own opinion, based on my experiences combined with some solid nutritional research.
Here's the problem - when I give her only kibble, she will rarely eat it (I know, if she's hungry enough she'll eat), and that's why I supplement with some wet food. Would you suggest that I add chicken or hamburger to the kibble, rather than canned food? What about the 100% meat (like the Before Grain canned food) as an additive to the kibble? As for treats, she loves the dehydrated chicken strips and will sometimes eat a few of them as a meal in the morning, and she loves bully sticks, but honestly, I haven't been overly cautious about other treats like cookies, though she really doesn't get too many. When we go to the park, I will treat her for coming when called with Charlie Bear treats.
If you need to add something to the kibble to get her to eat, use chicken, hamburger, canned salmon or other cooked fish, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs, etc instead of canned food. Cut or chop it up small so she can't pick the pieces out easily.
Dogswell jerky treats are good, and other similar meat-fruit-veggie-only treats. Freeze-dried liver treats are perfect if you need small sized training rewards; they are expensive, though. I used to use a baby carrot as a reward for coming when called, etc. Try that if Emma will take it.
I use to cook for Gamine & Thalie 80% of meat, 10& of rice or oatmeal and 10% of vegetables. The poop was soft but firm enough to be pick up.
Now I increase the meat 5%, keep the vegetables 10% so I only put 5% of brown rice. Their poop is better more firm and all in one or two instead of multiple little one. They have dry kibble in the morning and my food for their supper.
So it is working just fine for them and... me.
Exactly my point; you decreased the grain, and increased the protein, and the poop became firmer.
Hi Emma,
I had a Golden Retriever once that had the same problem and I was feeding him the top of the line food with no corn or wheat products, but I was giving him dog bicuits. Come to fine out he was allergic to corn and wheat and that was what was causing the loose stools!
Raya had similar issues with being a picky eater. If she won't willingly eat the dry kibble, I would try switching to another kibble. Raya is eating the now! grain free food by Petcurean, and loves it! This has been the only food which she eats a "meal". She has solid poops unless she gets anything with apple or sweetpotato, these seem to be her triggers.
Good luck!
Oh thanks for the tip. Our Murphy just got done with a bout of loose stools, but we were away and I had given him both apples and sweet potatoes! Alone they have been okay, but both may have been too much. Wouldn't have known this if you didn't mention.
I use Formm as well. Both of my dogs do very well with their food. Especially Butter - 14 year old Chow Chow. He never had stool problem since we switched to Fromm. I use Whitefish and Potato fomula.

I have a 2.5 year old doodle and have always fed her orijen once a day and a raw turkey neck (her fave) in the evening and have never had a problem with loose stools. The only time many years ago that I had a problem with loose stools was with canned food. Sooo my suggestion is to drop the canned food and try just the orijen for a while. Sadie also eats fruit and veggies.

Good Luck Janice



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