We've decided to inroll Remy in some sort of training but haven't decided where or what type. I wanted to check and see if any of you knew of good places to go. Im in NW houston and Have looked at a few places pet smart, copperfield dog training and a few others. I still don't know what would be best.
We used The Pet Tutor - Kim is her name. She has really good classes and helps with ANY issues you might have. I see she has a canine good citizen class starting up soon (the 17th) - I might get Toby into that. I highly reccomend her!
I live in the Spring area and am looking into trainers too. What age is appropriate to begin training? Mia is now 11 weeks so I think she is old enough to start understanding stuff. I noticed that the Pet Tutor offers a combo class of private and group lessons so I may consider that too. What age did you start with Toby? Did you go to the group or private?
Well, Toby was born in August and we got him in October - we started his basic puppy the following spring. That's just how it worked out time wise. I think you'll so fine at 3 months - but check with Kim - she is really great and will give you an honest opinion.
There are two places that have been highly recommended to me however I have not used them but I will share it with you. The Houston Dog Ranch. I have visited there to see about boarding. Wait till you see it. And the trainer that is supposed to be the best in Houston is Jim Burrell. Think that is how you spell his last name . Try that if it is not it let me know and I can get it for you.