Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Monty passed his Delta Society test at the end of March and we just received his Pet Partners vest and registration. One of our DK members (Jennifer and Jack) was hospitalized at Swedish Medical Center in Denver so we've decided to come vist her with Monty. I called the hospital since I was not sure if a non-affiliated therapy dog can come in and they were very nice about it. So we went to Swedish on Tuesday. Now, I'm used to people wanting to pet Monty on our walks, but this was such a completely different experience. By the time I got from the hospital lobby up to the 4th floor where Jenn was, I had at least seven people (both pacients and visitors) tell me Monty made their day. We spent about an hour in Jenn's room and we had other patients, nurses and doctors stop by wanting to pet Monty. It was just incredible! I felt like everything just suddenly clicked when I saw all these people with Monty and I've realized how amazing this canine therapy program is in the real life. Monty just stepped up to the plate and was just incredible with all the people. And we have not even started official visits!
Today Monty and I attended a "Day without Hate" at a high school where my husband is teaching and I gave a short presentation to the kids about therapy dogs. Monty has been to the school a few times before so I was not sure how excited Monty would get seeing Bill and all the kids. I've got to tell you: Monty was at his best behavior, he was laying down while I talked and when it was time for the obedience demonstration he did amazingly well. At one point the kids were taking turns giving the dog commands and he listened without hesitation. I was amazed and so proud of Monty. I love my dog to pieces but he keeps surprising me every day.
I'm looking forward to what comes next.

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Congratulations...Monty is obviously a natural.  Pet Therapy is just such an amazing thing. Although I have been involved with the pet visitation programme in British Columbia, Canada for over 11 has been three years since I have have done regular visits with a dog..Lost my wonderful therapy dog 3 years ago.  We got our doodle in January 2010 - so Icky and Monty are close in age and looking at their pictures so much alike in looks and by the sounds of it personality.  Icky has just started his regular visits and has done a few presentations and I truly forgot just how many people they you say just by walking into a facility and walking down the hall...Love your write up wrote exactly what I experience and my feelings to a T...thank you.

Congratulations!  What a wonderful first experience.  It sounds like you and Monty are great "pet partners" and it always keeps getting better! It is such an amazing experience to witness the joy our doodles can bring to people who really need their special support and love.  Looking forward to hearing about your future visits.

Sandy, Monty was 2 in March. He got his CGC title when he was only 10 months old, but I did not have the courage to sign up for the Delta Society evaluations until now. He just suddenly mellowed out when he turned about 1.5 years old. I was still pretty nervous about the test, especially the "accepting a friendly stranger" and "reaction to another dog" since Monty is overly friendly and wiggly. So my plan was to wear him out prior to the test and it worked. He was still wiggly, but fortunately calmed down pretty fast. I came to the point that I stopped worrying about how he would do. I would love him even if he did not pass. And unless the dog shows aggression, you are allowed to retest. I'm sure Hattie will do just fine. Hopefully, your test is in the afternoon, so you will have time to wear her out. The test took about 40 minutes. I looked at the TDI website and it seems it's 99% similar. Delta does not do the supervised separation. I had to attend a two day workshop prior to the test (that was just for the handlers).  So no worries, you and Hattie will do just fine. I'll be looking forward to your update.

Well, first off, I made sure his test was in the afternoon. So in the morning, Monty spent some time running around with hist girlfriend. Then we went for a car ride and spent a good hour walking around in a sports store that allows dogs inside. The store is always busy so there was a lot of people who wanted to pet him and also a lot of dogs, so by the time we got to our test, he was tired and kind of over meeting new people and dogs. 

I always make a point of exercising Paz before he goes to work every Friday, or to any event in which he will be working.  We live in Lower Manhattan where there are several dog parks in which Paz has lots of friends.  For instance, on Friday mornings before we go to work, Paz plays with his friends in the park for about 45 minutes and I find it really helps to relax him during the day when he must be somewhat sedate, no barking etc.  I find the exercise always helps.  I actually did the same routine when he went for the Delta test which he took when he had just turned 1 year.  I think that most doodles have lots of positive energy, and it is easier for them to focus when they have been exercised.  Paz really has to focus when he is working, and I find it is much easier for him if he has had a good romp before going to work.

Hopefully, the dogs will be schedule to show up at a specific time so they won't be there all at the same time. Good luck and keep us posted. I know Hattie will do just fine!

My experience with the Delta testing is they schedule the dogs so they don't all show up at the same time. Also, most dogs get excited when they see their friends, but the Delta testing is usually done in a room and Hattie will be by herself, until they bring in a neutral dog which only lasts a few minutes.  I kept telling Paz to "look at me" and that really helps.  Another thing I did was to request a minute for Paz and I to walk around the testing room and the testers readily agreed.  I let him do his initial sniffing etc. and this is not dissimilar to bringing a therapy dog to a new setting and letting him familiarize himself with the environment.  I still do this when I bring Paz to work every Friday.  We have a routine where upon our arrival at the Center,he gets to walk around,  say hi to all the staff and this really helps to prepare him for the day.  Our doods are truly social animals, and that is what makes them such great therapy animals..  I know you and Hattie will be great.

Yay, Monty!  You are such a special Doodle and I'm so proud of the work you and your Mom are doing.  There is nothing like a gorgeous Doodle to cheer you up when you're not well.



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