There is a post on the main page about natural remedies and so I thought perhaps I would expand upon it here. Many great ideas there if you get a chance to check it out. I will post some stuff and look forward to what you have discovered as well. If you have never clicked on 'a touching story for all dog owners' on our websited please do.
I would like to share an experience with you. On the morning that we took Zeke to the airport to go home, we left the house about 4 am. Most that know me do know I require large quantities of caffeine ESPECIALLY in the morning when getting up at 3 am. Well evidently I did not meet my quota that morning because we left a few items on the counter we should not have (Malachi is never crated any more). We came home several hours later to a guilty looking Malachi sitting over what was a full box of Little Debbie strawberry shortcake snacks. He ate the cardboard box, the cellophane and of course the cake. It was a short time later that we realized the entire box of brownies AND star treats (chocolate covered) were also missing - EVERYTHING was missing. I will admit that I panicked initially, I then recalled that I had my friend April's story on my site along with a great list of information. Sought it out immediately and gave him hydrogen peroxide as indicated to induce vomiting (poisonous for us, not for them - 1 tsp. per 10 lbs of body weight, can repeat 20 minutes later). By Monday morning he had expelled many cellophanes but still did not want to eat or take treats so a vet trip was in order. He did check out okay, but my what an experience. Very scary!
Hi Dianne, Thanks for the information. Zeke has become a garbage can raider lately. I've caught him with cellophane in his mouth but so far he has not swallowed any. It seems he is doing this for attention because he doesn't eat anything he snatches but he makes sure someone sees him with it in his mouth. Just like a naughty child he does this while I'm on the phone or trying to cook supper. What a cute stinker he is!