Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hello everyone!
Thanks for the warm welcome to DK!
Our little guy is almost 2 weeks old now so we have a long way to go before he can come home. He'll be ready before Christmas but we'll be away so he'll actually be closer to 10 weeks old when we get to bring him home. The waiting is torture and yet very exciting at the same time! I'm having a blast reading though all of the great info here as well as other places. I have a puppy shopping list all ready to go and I even know what food we're going to feed thanks to all of the great people here at DK!
I'm just starting into week three with my 10-week old Goldendoodle, and we're FINALLY getting into a routine! The first week was rough and I questioned my decision to get a puppy numerous times!
She's sleeping through the night now (10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) so that's extremely helpful. Crate train, crate train, crate train!! She cried and howled for approximately 15 minutes the first few nights she was home, and I had to go into another room to keep myself from responding to her, but now she doesn't say a peep and settles right down! She's even put herself to bed a few times! I have super soft bedding in her crate, plus a large puppy-friendly stuffed bunny to keep her company. I also have the crate draped with a heavy blanket, and drape a small baby blanket over the door to the crate when it's lights out. That makes her feel very secure and her surroundings den-like.
She knows how to "sit" and "down" and we're working on "shake." However, she's learned to run from me when I try to catch her, so that's a problem we have to get under control ASAP. She think's it's a game, but it's not funny when I need to catch her!
She's tons of fun, very precocious, and very smart! Potty training is going well, and we've only had a few accidents in the house this past week!! Enjoy your new puppy when s/he arrives! The wait seems excrutiating at times, but it's well worth it!!
I'm so glad you guys are starting to get into a routine, Julie! What you just described is what I've been worried about.. those first few weeks. We're definitely planning to crate train. I had a Golden for 12 years and that's how we trained him in the early days. Worked like a charm. He was so easy. I hope this one is cooperative as well but I'm trying to prepare myself for a difficult pup, just in case!
Good luck on finishing up the potty training! :)
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