Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi! New member here. I have an adorable F1 goldendoodle who is 14 weeks old. He looks nothing like a doodle and I was wondering if any members out there had similar doodles that looked like him as puppies? I would love to see how your doods turned out!  Theo has these little wings on his face and some fur sprouting about underneath his chin. However he does not have much eyebrows or hair on his snout. Do you think he will be a flat coated F1? Do any members out there have doods that looked like him? Thanks for your input!


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image. I jpgHi. I also have an F1 named Skipper. He looked just like your new puppy. He is now 6 months old and he is adorable. He does not have the traditional doodle look but he did get curlier. Your puppy is adorable. Skipper is maintenance free and barely sheds. Here are some pics. 

Thanks for the photo! Skipper is super cute. He looks like a golden with a more fluffy coat! 


first off he is so adorable!  He reminds me of one of my favorite doodles on the board only lighter, Samantha’s Hamilton. Maybe she will reply.  I have a flat coated doodle, F1b. She looks like a red mini golden retriever. I am of course partial to the flat coat :)

either way you have one cute doodle!

best of luck,

christine & miss Nala 

Thank you for the reply! He really is the cutest. I love the color of your Nala, it's a very unique red and I'm glad to see other non-doodly doodle owners out there :) 

Oh my goodness Christine you are too sweet! Thank you! Brandi, first of all Theo is absolutely adorable! What a sweetheart! He does remind me of Hamilton at that age! I will say I was expecting a 'doodley' doodle but could not love our straight haired "doodle fail" more! He does shed quite a bit but we have been able to save money on less frequent trips to the groomers. Hamilton's littermate looks nothing like him and is blonde and curly! Feel free to look at my page with pictures of Hamilton! I do see facial furnishings on that last photo so Theo very well may 'doodle out'! Either way is adorable and they are such snuggle bugs! Enjoy!! 

Our pup Whiskey was very non-doodley at first. He still

is not a traditional doodle but you will see his coat and face have changed a lot. He also had the wings in his face. these first pic is at 3.5 months. The others are at 6.5. 


Whiskey at 3.5mo looks just as scraggly as my Theo right now! Just hairs sprouting everywhere. I can see Whiskey is getting curlier on his face and his waves are adorable! I read the adult coat won't start to come in till 6mo-1year so I still have some time to see how Theo will turn out. It's great to see other owner's pups and their transitions! Thank you for the pics

I felt the same way. Glad to help. 

Also Whiskey was a big time shredder until we got his first trim. TOTAL GAME CHANGER. Basically non shedding now. 

Theo sheds a ton right now too! When did you get Whiskey his first groom?

About 5 months 

Theo is absolutely adorable! My "open-faced" Doodle is Pippa. She is an F1b and a heavy shedder but thats OK. She is worth every single one of those hairs! At This point its difficult to say if Theo will get a bit more of the scruffy look but my first instinct is that he will look more like a golden Retriever. 



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