Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lorraine Bertram
  • Female
  • Lakeside, CA
  • United States
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Lorraine Bertram's Discussions

CA Breeder

Started Nov 13, 2015 0 Replies

I am looking for a multi-gen standard size Labradoodle/Goldendoodle.  If you have any recommendations PLEASE message me.  Thank you all so much!Continue

Help! Looking to adopt a doodle.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lorraine Bertram Oct 31, 2012. 9 Replies

I am desperately searching for a doodle!  We would like a multi-gen (for allergy and shedding purposes) standard size.  Would love a red.If you have any tips or suggestions please let me know!…Continue

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What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I want a doodle!! Multigen standard to be exact.

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At 10:16pm on November 14, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Lorraine, There is a southern California group here on dk.  Here is a link:  We meet up every month or so, usually at Arbor Dog Park in Los Alamitos near Long Beach.  Come to one of our romps and meet other doodle owners.  You can pick their brains about where they got their doodles, but you would want to use the guidelines to choose your own breeder. Some of us got dogs before we knew better and chose breeders or pet stores that weren't so great.

At 7:10am on November 2, 2012, Shana R. said…

We got Steven from Daisy's Doodles in Cuba MO.

They came highly recommended by our veterinarian.  We had a really positive experience.  Steven is 12 months old, 65 pounds, F1b and a generally good dood!


At 9:33am on October 31, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

At 5:05pm on October 30, 2012, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses Lorraine!  You have come to the right place for information on Doodles.  Enjoy and have fun!

At 2:34pm on October 30, 2012, Jamie and Penny Lou said…

Hello! We got Penny Lou from Wilson Creek Kennels, just outside Madison, WI is their website.

Thersea was awesome--and we haven't had any issues with Penny besides some small ear yeast, but thats normal in this breed--Thank you Poodles! :) She is an F1B doodle...absolute doll so far! :) Good luck!!



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