Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ann Kendig
  • 63, Female
  • Lima, OH
  • United States
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Ann Kendig's Friends

  • Sam&Bella
  • Lisette Palmer
  • Kaitlin and Ludo
  • Jennifer Furjanic
  • Bailey's mum
  • Wanda Klomp
  • Krista Sue
  • Kristie Miller
  • michelle berenwick
  • Marcello C
  • Sue Poland
  • Helga, Nimbus, Sierra, Clooney
  • Jeanine A
  • Melody Gray
  • Mary Kay Kinney

Ann Kendig's Discussions

What do you think?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane, Guinness and Murphy Aug 2, 2010. 90 Replies

Help! I need grooming ideas!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ann Kendig Jun 8, 2010. 69 Replies

So, you think you want a puppy, huh?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() Sep 21, 2012. 63 Replies

Sheba may have Hip Dysplasia : (

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Mar 26, 2012. 62 Replies


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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Sheba is a F1 Goldendoodle and she was born 12/25/08 Christmas Day!
Duke is a F1b Chocolate Labradoodle and he was born 3/15/09.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do....poorly!
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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               Rest in Peace My Handsome Shadow   June 1996 - September 2011


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At 5:09pm on September 29, 2016, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

No, they're not in any particular order although Orijen/Acana is the best, IMO. 

At 4:24pm on September 29, 2016, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

Hi Ann, no, I didn;t see any message other than this one asking me if I saw it. 

At 9:23pm on September 22, 2015, Adina P said…
I thought of you yesterday, Ann! Happy Birthday to you, glad to see you submitted some photos this year, just going through them now. It's been a busy day with Clark gone for most of it and too many appointments to celebrate :-( I'll have to treat myself tomorrow!
At 12:18pm on September 16, 2015, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

Im so glad you still have Pepper! Im sure she is treated very well and if she went somewhere else she might not be. She is one lucky girl and I know you probably know that you are lucky and blessed to have her!

At 12:16pm on September 16, 2015, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

Anne, I only live about 40 minutes from the Deaf and Blind school. Please let me know if you decide to visit. Both Elizabeth (Bailey & Bruin) and I would love to come and meet you! There is an awesome pizza parlor on St George street  in St Augustine and a really good Gellato place!

At 11:56am on September 15, 2015, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

HI Anne. Just wondering if you still have Pepper and how she is doing? I don't see her mentioned on your page so I just thought I would ask. Hope all is well with you!

At 6:47am on September 14, 2015, Kaitlin and Ludo said…

Happy to connect with you Ann.  Huber Heights and Vandalia aren't too far from me-- I'm southeast of that area in Beavercreek.

At 5:25am on February 13, 2015, Jane, Guinness and Murphy said…

I'm so sorry to hear about Duke, Ann.  We pretty much ran out of food choices for Murphy too, and I had to finally agree to put him on hydrolyzed protein.  There really was no choice at this point, but it makes me sick that this is what he's going to have to eat for the rest of his life.  His case may be different though because he doesn't have the environmental allergies and he has just been tentatively diagnosed with IBD after a GI panel and ultrasound.  He'll be scoped in the next week or two and then we'll have the final diagnosis.  Now he seems to be stable on meds (Tylan and Prolosec) and the hydrolyzed protein.  It is so sad watching them when they feel so awful.  Murph had pretty much stopped eating.  Now he's hungry and seeming more like himself....I hope it lasts.  Please keep us posted on Duke.

At 5:09pm on September 26, 2014, Nancy and Georgia Brown said…

Also I see you are from Lima Ohio.
I grew up in Ohio. from Zanesville and went to UC for college.

At 5:06pm on September 26, 2014, Nancy and Georgia Brown said…

Thanks for you concern.
Georgia was scratching and chewing more than my last dog the day I brought her home around Thanksgiving of last year at 8 weeks. There were no signs of anything so the vets dismissed it. She did have vaginitis and one ear that was a little dirty. At about 5 months I noticed a rash on her underbelly. I took her to my holistic vet at the time. I put her on a diet with a single protein and some herbs. It got better. By that I mean I didn't see any rash, but she still scratched and chewed a lot. If I don't see anything how can I take her to the vet? She had another rash episode in June. It cleared up. In mid July out of the blue one day there was a big hole of missing fir on her back leg. I watched it carefully but didn't ever see her chewing at it. I watched it for about a week but one day at the dog park we go to every morning one of the other owners was concerned that it was ringworm. Which is contagious. I took her to my local vet who was pretty positive it wasn't. Then went to the dermatology vet who confirmed she had pyroderma not ringworm. Switched her diet around again just in case. Had her on a regime regarding shampoo etc. She was better when I went for my follow-up with the derm vet, so that vet said just keep an eye on it and continue doing what you are doing. I knew she really wasn't better because it comes and goes. It has shown up a couple times since then and the last time was on Monday of this week and it looked worse than it has. So we went back to the derm. vet yesterday. That brings you up to date. She turned 1 yesterday so still a little too young for allergy skin testing.

At 5:30am on September 22, 2014, Rose said…
At 5:32pm on July 22, 2014, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

The one blessing to his having to be on prednisone long term for the IBD & the disc disease is that it's pretty much put an end to the allergies. He never has any symptoms at all any more, even got through ragweed season without any last year. 

Poor Duke, I'm so sorry the immunotherapy shots haven't helped him. My derm did say that the ones with a lot of mold allergies have the poorest results with the desensitization treatment. 

If the shots had not worked as well as they did for JD, I probably would have given this Apoquel a try. But it should never be the first choice of treatment. The testing and immunotherapy should always be tried first, because if it works the way it did for JD, it's by far your safest option. 

Maybe you should talk to your vet about Apoquel. 

I hope you guys are having fun! 

At 3:38pm on July 22, 2014, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

Yes. JD's dermatologist is not recommending, it's the GP vets who are prescribing it instead of referring people to dermatologists, because it's much cheaper. It's the veterinary version of of the human biologic drug Xeljans, used to treat immune-mediated diseases. Side effects are the same, too, including an increased risk of cancer.

The only (and I mean only) advantage to Apoquel over Atopica is that it's cheaper. 

At 5:33pm on January 13, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

If you need any help with the bokeh stuff, I can tell you how I did it.

At 5:32pm on January 13, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Thank you so much about my photos. I am driving my family and myself nuts :) LOL I am thinking of going to Fort Wayne soon. Right now my mom is doing pretty well, but my sister gets overwhelmed and the other sister and I are trying to go home more. If we do, I will definitely tell you!! I saw your tribute to your daughter on FB. It was beautiful and very touching.

At 9:46am on December 28, 2013, Rose said…

She called on Friday morning. They had a pipe break in the house. They came over around noon for our home visit. They were here for about 2 hours. She said of all the apps they got, they were only doing 2 home visits and we were obviously one of them. They are doing the other one this weekend and she will call me on Sunday.

I have a feeling we might not get her. The other woman they are visiting lives in PA, is a nurse and has a shy Doodle that was a puppy mill rescue.  

At 6:05pm on December 26, 2013, Rose said…

We had a good Christmas. Hope you're feeling better. I gave her your info. I haven't heard from the rescue, so I don't know what's going on! 

At 7:00am on December 26, 2013, Janet and Guinness said…

thanks for the welcome ann...whole new world for me....quite excited

At 7:23pm on December 25, 2013, Rose said…

Merry Christmas, Ann and Happy Birthday, Sheba!

At 5:46am on December 25, 2013, Toni Clayton said…

Thank you for the Welcome Ann!



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