Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Almond Blossom Doodles
  • Female
  • Central Valley CA
  • United States
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Almond Blossom Doodles's Friends

  • Jennifer Wolfe
  • Kate Wenham
  • Karin, Kaya & Django
  • Bonnie and Kona
  • Dayna Chung
  • Kathie and the gang
  • London, Anne-Catherine & Brandon
  • Kashmir and Joanie
  • Carla, Lucca and Izzy
  • Adina P

Almond Blossom Doodles's Groups

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Almond Blossom Doodles's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We are privileged to breed and raise these beautiful English Goldendoodle puppies. We love what we are doing and always look forward to meeting the friendly people that are interested in our puppies. We have been blessed with many new friendships and delighted that other doodle families have also connected. Happy Doodling....from the 2 sista's....Shelly & Julie!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
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Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
http://www.almondblossompoodles .com

Almond Blossom Doodles's Photos

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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 11:06pm on September 7, 2011, Kathie and the gang said…

What litter is picture #2 from?


At 2:18pm on January 28, 2010, Dayna Chung said…
Very excited to find out about Almond Blossom, as I have been looking at English Goldendoodles for a while. It's great to see there's such a well-regarded breeder in the Bay Area! I'm curious to learn more about the personal experiences of families with this breed of dog. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old - both of whom really like dogs and I know would love having one as a pet. What's been the experience of others with small children? We don't have any other pets - this would be our first. Oh, and this is my first comment on the Doodle Kisses site....I hope that this is the right spot for a question, such as this!

At 5:09am on August 29, 2008, Belinda Stevens said…
Hi there! I know you are going to have fun here on doodlekisses. I looked at your site and your doodles are very cute! Can't wait to hear and see more from you!
At 11:10am on August 28, 2008, Adina P said…
Hi Shelly & Julie! Welcome to Doodle Kisses--your puppy owner members were raving about you so I'm glad you've come since there's a group with your name on it--you can find it if you search for "almond" under the Groups tab at the top of any page. Also check out our Breeder's group to connect with other breeders and please read our litter announcement guideline.
Have fun and visit often!


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