Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Bothell, WA
  • United States
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AshleyLeanne's Friends

  • Sandy Aicher and Bailey
  • Lori and Sadie
  • Mommy2Max
  • Carolyn H
  • Amanda <3's Titus
  • Debra Ference-Luongo
  • Mina Luongo
  • Kemp Rader
  • Northwest Australian Labradoodle
  • Cam & Oski
  • Maya
  • Dawn
  • Kimberanne Silbernagel
  • Jenny Walters
  • Doodle

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am a stay at home mom with two little girls. My fiance and I are getting married in August and are expecting our first doodle in September!! We are on a waiting list and are so excited to pick our Goldendoodle out. We have always imagined our children growing up with a dog. I have always had a love for animals and I am thrilled to soon be a Goldendoodle owner. I am hoping to connect with doodle owners in my area so I can learn more about the breed and meet future possible doggy friends for our soon to be doodle.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We will be getting our Goldendoodle puppy at the beginning of September!! We ideally want a red or apricot male puppy. We currently have a orange tabby cat named Prince Joseph Nigel McLovin' (my daughter named him) who thinks he is the king of this palace. We are curious to see how he reacts to the new family member.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We have done ALOT of research and talked to many people at dog parks about different breeds and Goldendoodles seem like a GREAT family dog. Everyone I have talked to had nothing but wonderful things to say about the breed.
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Comment Wall (44 comments)

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At 6:28pm on July 29, 2012, Kemp Rader said…

We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman

At 2:01pm on July 30, 2011, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…
At 5:05pm on July 29, 2011, Kemp Rader said…
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
At 2:13pm on July 30, 2010, Zoe, Benny and Tyler said…

At 12:47pm on July 30, 2010, Kathy Spyker said…
At 9:27pm on October 27, 2009, Amanda <3's Titus said…
Your puppy is too darn cute <3 Aren't doodles the best?
At 6:10am on August 8, 2009, Lori and Sadie said…
Welcome! Good luck on the puppy picking! You can't find a bad doodle!
At 7:40pm on July 30, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
At 5:47pm on July 30, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…


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