Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Sherwood, OR
  • United States
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Charla's Friends

  • Sue Amos & Mulligan
  • Cam & Oski
  • Robert Kennedy
  • Minders
  • Rae
  • Scott Chalkley
  • Anthony & Lori Jacobs

Charla's Discussions

A Behavior Question

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lego Nov 11, 2010. 25 Replies

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What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have two GoldenDoodles. They are sweet, funny and I am very proud of them. Rozee is 2 1/2 years (cream) and Bella Pearl is 19 months (red) and both are females.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
They are gentle and very loyal dogs and they don't shed. It doesn't get any better than doodle kisses!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Take them places to show them off and take them for walks. They also love to run like wild animals in the yard.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
A woman at my Vet's.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship

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At 8:08am on December 8, 2011, Kathy (Ellie & Oliver) said…

We loved your holiday card!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Your girls are absolutely gorgeous!  The look on Rozee's face is priceless, and Bella looks like she is a happy girl with that doodle tongue hanging out!!!  This card exchange is so much fun!  We hope that you and your girls have a blessed holiday!!

At 11:04am on December 14, 2008, Scott Chalkley said…
No snow tires here. I have never needed them before. Since I have been in Oregon (5 years now), I have only called out of work for snow once. That was last year and it was really bad on one day. But it looks like I will be doing it again tomorrow if this keeps up. I would be able to work from home if my boss would let me but she believes that if she has to be in the office then we all should be and if we stay at home we won't really be doing work. So again, most likely calling out tomorrow. I am going to try and get some footage up in a little bit with the pups playing in the snow. I was waiting for the snow to stop falling as hard so it was easier to see on film but I don't see that happening anytime soon. That is weird about the humming birds. I have only seen one here at this house. We need to get feeders up. Our issues are with wood peckers. They love the side of our house. It must taste really good! We have a plastic owl out there that is supposed to keep the peckers away but the peckers must think the owl is a joke because they keep coming back for more.
At 8:03am on December 14, 2008, Scott Chalkley said…
So I talked to Jan yesterday. Ukon will now be called Griffin. Not sure if I have the spelling correct but I thought it was another cool name. He made it safely and warmed up to her pretty fast. She said that he warmed up to their son the fastest because when he came down stairs Griffin jumped right in his lap and started giving him kisses. She thinks that Griffin thought her son was Rob or I. Griffin went for walks around their property and met his new best friend Murphy. And those two are have been sleeping on the dog bed with Jan. They both follow her around the house and Griffin seems to shaking off the plane experience. I don't think he likes flying. He soiled himself and was shaking when coming off the plane. Jan absolutely loves him and let me know that he doesn't shed because she was wearing a black shirt and she held him the whole way home and nothing was on her shirt. I think that is about it. She said she would get back on DoodleKisses once he feels more comfortable in his new house. I told her there is no hurry and everyone here will understand why she is not responding. ;-)

Are you two getting snow? It is coming down really hard here and sticking. Our grass and bridge are covered. The roads have a thin layer. Hope I can make it to work tomorrow. I have the 350Z and it doesn't do too well in the snow.
At 8:57am on December 13, 2008, Scott Chalkley said…
All I know so far is that he made it there safely. Jan said he was a bit nervous, which is expected. I can't wait to hear how he is acclimating to his new life. I hope Murphy falls in love with him right away!
At 12:37pm on December 11, 2008, Scott Chalkley said…
It was great to see your pups on the main slideshow!
At 6:56pm on December 9, 2008, Scott Chalkley said…
Sorry to have to tell you this but Mouse was bought today by a family in NC. Lisa just joined DK today to see all Mouse's pics and videos I uploaded of her so if you get the chance could you please stop by and say hi to Lisa? She is on my friends page. I think she would really love to hear from you and Rae since you both fell in love with Mouse. On a positive note, Tank lives in NC as well. Tank is Mouses brother. I don't think you and Rae met him. He looks just like his mom, Celie. Anyway, Mouse and Tank (now Tegan) may be able to have a family reunion very soon. Thanks and Sorry! :(
At 3:36pm on December 9, 2008, Jessica said…
Hi everyone! We got your beautiful card! Thank-you so much for sending all the way to Canada. Your beautiful babies now adorn our mantle-piece - much to Finn's delight!
At 1:47pm on December 8, 2008, Scott Chalkley said…
Sounds good Char. I will leave the coat on the washer and dryer that is hanging out on our front porch. Rob keeps asking me to post them on Craigslist because they serve no function to us now. Now I can say they do provide a service for us...coat rack! ;-)

I leave the house around 7 so the coat will be out there after 7. Hope that works. Rob said you two left a coat there on purpose so you had a reason to come back and sneak mouse out when no one was looking. He was kidding of course. ;-). He was very happy to meet you both and we both can't wait to meet your furkids.
At 6:53pm on December 7, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…


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