Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Oberlin, OH
  • United States
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Welcome, GINI "L" & CODY

Profile Information

About Me:
My husband Tony & I live in rural Ohio on a property. We kept horses for 14 years, but now we devote ourselves to our 3-yr old Labradoodle, Cody, and 2 cats, Phoebe & Little Guy.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
As i mentioned above, CODY is a LABRADOODLE (F1b) He's a large Standard... 29" high at the withers, 35" girth at he chest, and weighing in at 94-97 pounds. He wasn't expected to grow so large, but that's fine with us....just that much more of him to love!!! I enjoy taking photos of all our "kiddies," but Cody is my favorite model. He's my constant companion, and we've been attending various K9 classes since he was 2-months old. He recently earned his Canine Good Citizen title AND his Therapy Dog Certification, and we're looking forward to volunteering at the public libraries in the children's reading programs. We've also started competing as a team in Obedience Rally, and have earned our first 4 "legs" in Starter Rally. Looking forward to continuing with that in April this year (2013). When Cody isn't spending time with me, he's with Tony, who teaches him things as only a "Dad" can! Then, there are the cats, who have taught him a few outside games of chase, and hide & seek. They share snacks and quiet time together after a play session. When our family members visit , they bring their dogs and Cody welcomes them into our home without hesitation, sharing his toys, treats and feeding times. I like to think of Cody as the "glue" that holds us all together!!!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We've had several different breeds in our lifetime, each one chosen for our lifestyle at the time. This time, in addition to character & temperament traits, we also needed to consider a hypoallergenic coat. That led us to a new group of breeds and a lot of research. But, just as a picture is worth a thousand words, so is a visit to a breeder the best kind of research you can do. Seeing the puppies and how they are being raised & socialized in their earliest days by the breeder is the most valuable tool you can have to give you an idea of the pup's personality. Cody's breeder, RIVERBEND LABRADOODLES, Fayette, OH, allowed us to see and play with all of the pups and answered innumerable questions, and then, welcomed us back for a follow-up visit, before we ever brought CODY home. There has been significant post-adoption support also.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Please see the "tell us about" Section, above.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
DOUDS Boarding & Grooming in Oberlin, OH. Every 6 weeks.
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At 6:03am on June 3, 2013, GINI LISANTI said…
HEALTH CONCERN...CODY HAS BEEN GETTING CEBACEOUS CYSTS. Have any of you noticed this on your Doodles? We had a real scare this past week when a cyst on his neck ruptured internally, producing a huge puss pocket (as big as my hand) and caused a bad infection, needing immediate vet care. Our vet drained the puss & gave him a subcutaneous rehydration treatment & antibiotics (Cephalexin), and I've been doctoring him at home. The regimen spans a full 2wks. The pocket continued to drain for a day or so, during which I had a very messy job of cleaning every our, but the topical solution of DMSO+ Lincosin has helped immensely. And CODY's improvement has been amazing, so I think we're gonna be alright. This time. I'm wondering if this is going to be a chronic problem. So, if anyone out there has any info to share on this, please feel free to post it on our page!
At 5:51am on June 3, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Gini, I am so sorry about the passing of your Mom and know how hard it is to lose someone you love so dearly.  May all your loving memories and special moments with your Mom stay dear in your heart.  Boy, your plate has been full and what a scary time you had with Cody.  Wow, that cyst sounds horrible, but I am so glad to hear it is on the mend and Cody is recovering.  Hugs and prayers to you, Cody and your family!

At 5:43am on June 3, 2013, GINI LISANTI said…
We've been out of the loop for a few months, but have been lurking in the background. Have been managing my Mom's healthcare, and just a week ago, my Mom passed away. I am presently making all the final arrangements, so I will still be preoccupied. But, don't give up on me yet!
At 6:08am on June 1, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday Gini!  Hope your day is wonderful and filled with lots of love, fun, celebrations and big Doodle Birthday kissses from Cody:)

At 11:18am on February 27, 2013, Cheryl and Finnegan said…

Thanks so much Gini.  I will definitely keep this in mind. Finn has not had another episode --it's been 3 weeks now --so we're still not sure about a diagnosis.  I'm keeping an eye on him and keeping a camera close. It turns out he did have an infection of the uretha (or whatever it's called) so he's on an antibiotic now because he was licking and that precipitated the last episode.  But we're not sure if one had anything to do with the other.   

At 5:42am on February 25, 2013, Cheryl and Finnegan said…

Thanks so much Gini.  I'm enjoying your photos of Cody and Phoebe too!  They're wonderful!

At 7:09pm on February 23, 2013, Cheryl and Finnegan said…
Finnegan and I would love to be friends. I'm glad you found DK and glad you're part of the photography group now.
At 2:46pm on February 11, 2013, Sheila & Finnley said…
Cody is adorable and I loved his Valentine Card
Hope you enjoy the DK family.
They have a lot of really good information, and are a pretty fun group too !
At 1:38pm on February 10, 2013, Camilla and Darwin said…

I look forward to seeing more photos of your adorable doodle!

At 7:41am on February 7, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

It's so nice to have you on DK and a friend!



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