Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Janette Andersen
  • Hanover Ontario
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  • Gem's Jewel

Janette Andersen's Discussions

shedding question

Started this discussion. Last reply by Emily, Bentley, & Maserati Aug 16, 2014. 8 Replies

I didn't realize how much fun we would have with a goldendoodle! Callie is now 8 months old and we love her to bits. She would be perfect (in my world) if she didn't shed.  I knew we had a 50/50…Continue

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Profile Information

About Me:
Our first family dog was a miniature schnauzer, lived a great 14 years! We loved him to bits, but wow, is a doodle ever different than a terrier!!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a goldendoodle, Callie. She is almost 4 months.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My husband wanted a big dog...I was hoping it wouldn't shed. I liked the temperament and they are sooooo cute!!!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Go for walks and play in the back yard.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
We have a professional in our town that we will be using when the time comes.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Not sure yet! she loves all her toys!
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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 12:29pm on April 6, 2014, Debbie said…
Hi Janette
No Mila does not shed at all. Her fur has fair bit of curl so we get matting instead. She is off being groomed today. Teething stage next for you. I use to take a clean facecloth (no fabric softner,etc) soak it in chicken broth ,twist it and then freeze it so it was like astick and give it to her frozen to chew on.
At 7:09pm on April 4, 2014, Debbie said…

CAllie looks adorable,, my Mila is a 3 yr old goldendoodle,,, she is so much fun and loves everyone!

At 9:32am on March 24, 2014, Gem's Jewel said…
Jewel was born Nov 20th so they are very close in age. She shed quite a bit for two weeks and then it just stopped. She gets brushed every other day to get her used to it and there will be a little hair in the brush but it isn't all over us and the house anymore :) Can't wait to see more pictures, she is beautiful. How much does she weigh? Supposedly at 16 weeks you can double their weight and add up to about 10 lbs to get a close "guestament" of adult weight. Jewel was 34 lbs :0 at 16 weeks
At 8:38am on March 24, 2014, Gem's Jewel said…
Welcome, welcome Janette & Callie! Enjoy DK, sure hope to see pics and hear about your adventure with cute Callie. Jewel is just about four months so we will have a similar journey for the next year :)


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