Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • United States
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What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Milly, born August 2013, owners say she is an F1b.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Loved the look and wanted to avoid shedding. Also liked that they are usually good-natured, smart, family dogs.
Does your doodle(s) shed?

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At 1:22pm on November 10, 2013, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

HI Lauren ~ Your Millie has a beautiful face - I love the fact it is so blocky and square.  I noticed you were questioning your doodles coat.  Where her parents both doodles or a golden and poodle? Some where about 1 year they go through a coat change and the puppy coat needs to be brushed out over several months.  It will be interesting to see if she sheds a little bit, or ?  My two ALDs do not shed, but I often wonder if grooming would not be much easier if they did!  LOL  I am looking forward to seeing how Millie matures.  Be sure to check out the groups section on the main page and join as many as you like.  Welcome to Doodle Kisses!

At 10:41am on November 4, 2013, Elaine Allen said…

Your so welcome......happy to give the input.........because I felt just like you! lol....when I say smart I mean that anything I taught her she learned in only a few hrs!......and sometimes she will even do it when I haven't ask but am doing something else!!! lol...when I say get your leash she does, when I say go potty she does, when I say go find the cat she does. She lays down, rolls over, gives a paw, sits, rolls over. she loves fresbes and as a pup as long as I kept her busy with toys she was fine. They need stimulation that's for sure........she loves the grandkids and has dived into the pool on several occasions to "save"them but they were really just list goes on..sometimes I would teach her something just for fun and it only took a few minutes! She is a therapy dog and loves that is part of the fun of having this type of dog.........I think but iam biased.......I never saw her parents except in pictures but they were a poodle and retriever. she weighs 70 lbs which is too heavy for me but she acts like she is pics going so we can all see the changes please......;-)

At 8:19am on November 4, 2013, Elaine Allen said…

Hi Lauren,

Welcome to the group....................I have a 10 yr old goldendoodle who has never looked like a poodle except when she gets wet...then I see a few one believes she is a doodle either...........but vet says yes............I got her from a breeder in ohio and all the siblings looked a lot like her but had curlier hair...the first yr she was a teddy beat and NO shedding......the 2nd yrs it started to grow but straight but still no the end of the 2nd yr the shedding was there but not extreme.....but her thick puffy coat went............she sheds pretty much all the time...I do use shed X 2x a day and it helps a lot of I brush her daily.........she is the smartest dog I have ever had and iam 62! raised on dogs..............2 tries on anything and she learns it!!! I think you'll have to wait and see how she grows..and how coat changes but I think it will take a while........;-).......yours looks like my mattie at that age actually...........this maybe tmi but I felt just like you back then! Elaine......



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