Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Elaine Allen Apr 1, 2013. 7 Replies 0 Favorites
Hi Iam a brand new member...I live outside of Los Angeles, Calif. and wondered if there were any breeders in my area. My doodle is 9 yrs old and she is wonderful;-))) seems all the…Continue
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Mattie is just beautiful! I would love to see more pictures of her! Thanks for adding us as a friend!
Yes, we found a breeder by chance on Long Island, NY.
Hi Elaine - that was fun to read all about what Mattie can do!:) Am curious, did she learn all of that really quickly as a pup? Milly is 3 mos and seems to pick up things pretty quickly, she certainly has "sit" down pat, and will respond quickly when training her with treats, but sit is about the only thing she'll do with just a verbal command as yet. Although i have not been an intense trainer, am just starting puppy classes and learning what to do myself! :)
Hi Elaine
My husband got Tess in Denton, Texas. There is a lady there who has a Kennel of Goldendoodles. They are so smart and so sweet! Mattie is adorable!
Hi Elaine - Thanks so much for your response, I really appreciate it! Well if Milly ended up looking like Mattie, I would be very happy indeed :) (minus the shedding part....) -she's such a pretty dog. Yes I am a little obsessed about who this dog is and is going to be... I've looked at tons of pictures of GRs, straight-haired GDs etc... and have been fascinated esp by the posts in this group where there can be SO many changes in their coats from pup to adult. A common thread does seem to be that they'll shed if they have as straight a coat as mine. Supposedly F1b's even if straight-hair won't shed, but then who knows what I really have. Anyway, thanks again for all the info, and empathy! (and ps - not sure what "smart" means relative to a dog yet as i'm a brand new "dog person" :) )
Hi Elaine, Funny you say that because Jaxon has curly hair behind his ears! He is only 11 months. I find that he is quite smart also.
Happy Birthday Elaine! Hope your day is wonderful and filled with love, fun, celebrations and big Doodle kisses from Mattie:)
Hi Elaine--yes, it is hard to get a doodle pup and we are not really keen on sending one across the country (the breeder I work for is in Massachusetts) --all of our pups are sold, but if you contact breeders about upcoming litters in your area, you can often put deposits down for a FUTURE puppy--and then be patient! it is tough though! There is also doodle rescue collective, which rescues doodles and there are sometimes dogs needing a new home in your area.
Elaine, some dogs are just not into being party girls, sigh.... It would be fun to meet up with you one of these days, but if Mattie would hate it, a romp with other dogs is not the answer. Mine usually wander around, but seem to like being there. Ned will play with others his smaller size; Clancy 'hangs' around the perimeter of groups and might join in the chase a bit; Gordie (our Springer) is totally in his own world and just sniffs the ground everywhere.
Good luck in your retirement plans, Elaine! I know it may be pricey to start up breeding doodles (or other breeds) what with getting dogs that are from good, healthy stock and responsible breeders. There's also testing for hip dysplasia, checking eyes, etc. of your breeding dogs. I made the mistake of getting my dogs from a puppy mill and a back yard breeder. Duke has terrible allergies and requires weekly shots and many visits to the vet, prednisone at times, special shampoo etc. I so worry about him as he really suffers. Sheba has many urinary tract infections, bad hips and also requires allergy shots. Atopic dermatitis is hereditary. If the breeders had known a dog had allergies, they should have never bred the dog and had it spayed/neutered. My vet bills are enormous!! I know not everything can be prevented even if breeding dogs have been tested to ensure the healthiest pups. It is really hard watching my guys suffer so much. : ( Ask questions here on DK about breeding and what you should take into consideration if you choose to do so. I know people would be glad to answer your questions.
My Sheba would make a wonderful therapy dog. Duke would too but he's all boy and gets a little rough but he's such a lover and loves to snuggle. When my mother was alive I took my dogs to visit her all the time. I started after they got their last puppy shots. I also took some of my foster dogs, that could behave in the nursing home setting, to visit my mom. That made for some special memories, she loved the visits. : )
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