Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

NL Wick
  • Atlanta, GA
  • United States
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NL Wick's Friends

  • Russell Portwood
  • Patty Abernathy
  • Angela Piazza
  • Jill @ Walk A Doodle
  • Leslie and Halas
  • Jacquie Yorke (DRC)
  • Patty Barnes
  • Adina P

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Chocolate Doodle-licious

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have an only child Labradoodle, Seamus, who turned one year old on Saturday, October 18, 2008. He is a wavy-coated chocolate brown boy who is very, very intelligent. He came to us from Jill Beech at in Tennessee. Seamus has a cat who is clearly in charge of all of us.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Looks (So Cute), low-shedding, high energy and intelligence.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Frisbee; Retrieving; Any Kind of Training (he learns faster than any other animal I've ever known); Socializing Him With Other Animals and People; Take Him to Work.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Me mostly except for an occasional sanitary trim.
Favorite Doodle Products?
He loves his stuffed duck and his stuffed bunny. When he wants to chew, he goes for a rope toy or a nylabone. His favorite bakery can be found at
Relationship Status:

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At 3:51pm on April 5, 2009, Adina P said…
P.S. if you order the mini-course, be sure to send an email to the Canis team telling them you are doing it as part of a group that will do the full course and you'd like, if possible, to receive all the lessons in 2-3 days.
At 3:50pm on April 5, 2009, Adina P said…
You will NOT be at a disadvantage because the min-course is just a 'flavor' of what's to come. EVERYTHING and MORE will be covered in the full program--though you are welcome to start the mini course and work through it because there will be a lot of reading initially in the main course.
At 1:33pm on March 3, 2009, Leslie and Halas said…
Great new pics! Looks like Seamus loved the snow. It always makes me laugh to see snow stuck all over them - legs, face, top of the head - everywhere.
At 9:19am on January 29, 2009, Jill @ Walk A Doodle said…
Wow..Thanks putting the bug in his ear!!! I would love to donate the first dog!!! That would be sooo cool!!! Go for the Canine Good Citizen... You are right Seamus needs some direction at this crucial piont in his life!!! The more training a dog has the the deeper the bond they develop with thier owners!!!! Absolutely keep his brain in tune...our doodles are sooo smart they love to have a challenge!!! I love this site!! I love to keep up with our doods!!!! Bill & I bought a farm up in Hartsville, TN old Tobacco barn built sometime in the 1800's we have been restoring it for the last year...we built an apt in the barn...We love it...we can live with the horses too...I can wake up and have coffie on my loft patio with my horses and my dogs...we love it here!!! There is a stream in front of the property..and a trail that the dogs LOVE....We ride right out the back gate...The dood babies grow up in closer Quarters with us...all the better for us and them though!!! We have some great kids in the neighborhood who love to come and play with the puppies!!!! & of course the dogs and horses tooo...they all love them!!! Come up and visit us anytime!!!! We would love to see Seamus!!! As far as the horses go we have had some great sucess with them this year!!! I am sure you saw we won the Ky celebration and the SSHBEA World Championship with Yearling Studs...We had fun!!! Oh yeah right now we have snow!!! There is water in the neighbors pond!!! The dogs Love it!!!!
At 6:05pm on January 28, 2009, Jill @ Walk A Doodle said…
Thanks!!! I understand the only child concept!!! I am Glad that Seamus Mcdoodle has such a great home... You guys have to come to a horse show sometime and Visit us!!!! We would love to see you guys!!! If you can get the time...I know you would love to see the horses too!!! Seamus's 1/2 sister is Gracie is the Momma!!! She is an F1 Labradoodle out of Seamus Daddy Retro!!! Gracie was bred to Cocoa our Standard Poodle Stud to get F1B the family is growing... Seamus has some new cousins... Snacks has some new brothers and sisters!!!!I will refer all of my homes to this site!!! Hopefully we can grow our walkadoodle family group!!! I love it here... Isn't that something that we The LABRADOODLE could be the 1st dog??? I am SOO EXCITED!!!
At 12:05pm on January 28, 2009, Leslie and Halas said…
I wish I could get Halas a Build-A-Bear. I love that place, but it's hard to go in without children of your own. You just look suspicious. Halas destroys his stuffies, so I try not to buy him too many. Some last longer than others.
At 9:54am on January 28, 2009, Leslie and Halas said…
Seamus is so cute. He'll probably love the hide-a-squirrel. The nice thing about them is that you can buy squirrel refills. They come in packs of 3. I think we'll have to be getting some soon.
At 10:52am on November 21, 2008, Jacquie Yorke (DRC) said…
I LOVE Bark the Hairy Angels Sing!
At 5:12am on November 18, 2008, Patty Abernathy said…
Hi, thanks for the invite to your friends list. I love Seamus dark chocolate coloring. He is really nice. My Snake is a hoot. We are enjoying so much having a doodle. Right now I am looking for some Christmas toys that he can't immediately tear up. He is a strong chewer. He does not like to go outside to the bathroom by himself. He just found out two weeks ago he can bark and boy does he.

At 9:30am on November 16, 2008, Jill @ Walk A Doodle said…
Hey Nedra,
We should be having a litter in approx 65 days... We are just finishing up the courtship!!! It will be a litter of long awaited F1B's!!!!!!! In our past litters we have had 65% chocolate-35% black/silver black... Seamus was on the smaller side of the litter...he was not the smallest!!! I have found that the puppies are truely full grown @ 2 years...FYI Snake Patty's Puppy is a full sibling to Seamus!!! Same Mother & Father... He was just born 4/08... So he is still very much a puppy!!!! Momma Tasha is getting ready to retire from motherhood..she may have 1 more litter..Just depends on what the vet says....and how I feel she is doing...She loves to be the MOMMY...When she retires she will be going to my good friends live out her days basking in the CALIFORNIA sun...and she will love the SPOTLIGHT... She will have a Vizila... buddy and her own KIDS!!!! I will miss her very much!!! I have 2 of her & Cocoa's Poodle Daughters that I have kept... They are really Special Girls...they have gone thru thier health testing and will be mommies whenever we feel they are ready!!! R Hershey's Kisses & R Lady Godiva...I will be updating the website as soon as I can...Tell Becca & Seamus Hello!!! Give seamus a treat from us!!! Jill


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